Strike 18 Trimaran

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by 2far2drive, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. 2far2drive
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    2far2drive Senior Member

    I have been building a Strike 18 trimaran from Richard Woods for the past year and a half and the build is finally coming to an end. I have a few more loose ends to tie up and then its off to the sail loft to have the main recut and flat-topped. I also need to get the rigging worked out as well.

    Ill post more here as it progresses and I get her in the water. I plan to beach camp and race extensively with this boat so Ill be pushing her hard and hopefully getting a lot of wonderful miles under her ply bottom.

    You can see the build process here.

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  2. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Looks good, are you going to have a coachroof on the main hull or a boom tent?
  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Congratulations-hope you have a blast!
  4. 2far2drive
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    2far2drive Senior Member

    Thanks Corley. Keeping it light and simple with a boom tent. I looked hard for a Nacra 5.0 to use as the amas but I couldnt find one within an acceptable price range to justify taking it apart. I picked up a Nacra 5.2 for $800 and the hulls were still solid.

    Build time for this boat is actually pretty quick but I had several delays during the build including a solid 4 month total stop at one point.

    Thanks Doug! Cant wait to splash her!
  5. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    Oh I see, you're reverse building it !

    On page 1 I see the mostly complete tri then when you advance to P2 and P3 one can see how you disassemble it :eek:
  6. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    Where did the floats come from? They look like catamaran amas.
  7. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Indeed they are, from a Nacra 5.2, but almost all 16-17ft beach cats can be used on a Strike 18

    You can see more on the Strike 18 here

    I watched one sailing yesterday at Sail OK, based on a Prindle 16. Also Texas based, the father and two sons drove up to Oklahoma, rigged and launched yesterday morning, they sailed all day, took it out of the water about 3pm yesterday and drove home again

    I am in Texas right now, heading to Port Aransas WBF to be held this weekend. Hopefully I will see 2far2drive and his boat

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs
  8. 2far2drive
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    2far2drive Senior Member

    Got the boat out of the garage and off to the storage unit on saturday with my Dad helping me out.

    A lot of work left to do before splash but its mostly small stuff, but time consuming nonetheless. I hope to have her spashed and sailing before the new year but who knows at this point. Cold weather makes me lethargic and I usually give up on heavy outdoors stuff until it warms back up. Lets hope for a mild winter or at least one with decent sailing days every couple of weeks! :)



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  9. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    You've done a great job-congratulations! Great times ahead....
  11. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    :cool: Hope to see some more pictures sailing !
  12. 2far2drive
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    2far2drive Senior Member

    Thanks guys!

    Sailing by December I hope! Still have to do the following...
    1. make changes to trailer to support boat better
    2. build aft mast support on trailer
    3. repair daggerboard and rudder blade
    4. mount rudder
    5. sail controls worked out
    6. get forestay made
    7. main recut
    8. get registered/titled
    9. mount a new shroud/forestay tang to mast
    10. new halyards
    11. repair crack in epoxy bushing on port aft beam bolt. might drill these out eventually and glue in stainless bushings for bolts to ride in

    Still need to build (winter project) my folding bowsprit, spinnaker controls and get either a code 0 or an asymmetric spin.
  13. kmargolis3
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    kmargolis3 New Member


    How is you boat working out? great photo's by the way

    I have been building a Strike 18 for past several months and your photo's helped me work through some headaches ... Thanks

  14. Jetboy
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    Jetboy Senior Member

    How do you like the 5.2 amas? Do you find they are sufficient volume forward?

    I'm nearing completion of a Scarab 18 and have a set of Nacra 5.2 hulls that I'm considering using. They are very similar to the other amas I have, although slightly less forward volume. The Nacra hulls are deeper and narrower than the plan hulls I have.

    Anyway Great work! I'll have to post my boat up when I get it done.

  15. ThomD
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    ThomD Senior Member

    Jetboy, how is the Scarab 18 build coming along? Have you blogged any of the build. How does the interior space look. I bought plans for that boat, mostly wanting a smaller boat than my hughes 24 for gunkholing. The H24 doesn't even have one decent bunk despite being 24 x 18.5. Great boat I should say. So if I built an 18, I would want an actual berth even if it was more or less a pup tent size. There are comfortable pup tents, and ones you can't wait to escape.

    On the Amas, at one point I was sure I was going to make stressform amas for my S18. But for one thing they have to have the right shape for the folding, and on the other, the section of the specified amas generates more displacement per initial inches of immersion. I figured that might mater, so I decided to just stick with the drawn amas.
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