Strike 18 Modifications

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by kmargolis3, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. kmargolis3
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    kmargolis3 New Member

    Hello all

    i have been building a strike 18 for past eight months or so and l love the concept and simplicity of construction, but i did not like the boxy look so i decided to make some modifications ..

    to start with i eliminated to windscreen--i live in the South and had no need for a semi-enclosed cockpit which makes the boat more open

    more signifcantly i added two feet to the boat--since is had a Hobie 18 for the amas and rig i either had to cut and shorten the hobie hulls (pain in the butt) or simply cut the hull in half and add two feet of plywood to he middle -- relaively easy.... what this did was make the whole boat look and feel more balanced...

    o i was
  2. kmargolis3
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    kmargolis3 New Member

    Strike Mods #2

    I am very pleased with the modifications ... i saw Mr. Woods study plans for his strike 20 and used it and the old Farrier vagabond day-sailor for inspiration....

    with the added two feet i was able to add about 10 inches to the cockpit and 18 inches to the front Hull lines ... by eliminating the windscreen i added up about two and half feet of open area to the cockpit

    I am trying to figure out the proper placement of the mast and a swing keel and would appreciate any advice

    i will post some pic's when i figure out how to do so
  3. kmargolis3
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    kmargolis3 New Member

  4. patzefran
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    patzefran patzefran

    The Stem shape looks curious, Hope Richard woods will not see what you did to his design !
  5. makenmend
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    makenmend Junior Member

    I found that curious to (the stem) because the 1st set of plans I printed out, the angles on blkd #1 were far more aggressive than those I had seen by builders pictures on the old build forum.
    So I went back to check my measurements and the plan again. I have no idea what happened but when I looked at the plans on my PC those diamentions were different,more in line with what I was seeing from the old forum, so I reprinted the whole plan again plus updates and re did my #1 blkd.

    This was the 1st one
    then the modified framed 2nd edition

  6. makenmend
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    makenmend Junior Member

    I think you mast alignment is based on your fwd beam position, which is also true for the dagger/center board.

  7. patzefran
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    patzefran patzefran

    I had something like that with my Strike 15 plans at .pdf format. When I printed the plans with a Canon printer, there were some numbers wrong, with a samsung laser printer, the numbers were differents and corrects. I think this is a problem of policy of character. Any time, the numbers read on the screen were correct and same as samsung laser printer.

  8. makenmend
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    makenmend Junior Member

    patzefran, You're probably right, but I'm not computer savvy enough to know the difference.But my eyes told me there was something wrong.

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