Strakes for a converted airboat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by elRud, Feb 24, 2023.

  1. elRud
    Joined: Feb 2023
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    elRud New Member

    I am using a converted AirGator 22' x 8' flat bottom airboat with a 50 hp outboard as a work boat for an oyster farm. It is a great work boat with lots of room. My concern is going straight at low speeds, which is critical to me. I am using a removeable leeboard but I think I would rather add strakes. I understand that one usually does not want to add a strake at a chine. That would create a dangerous chine trip hazard. But does that hold true if the strake follows the contour of the first chine? It would be nice to be able to glue strakes right at the chine. That way the strake is less likely to be straddling the trailer bunk board and the lift boards. The image shows the transom shape which is followed most of the boat's length. There is a series of 18 degree angles. The strakes I would add are 18 degrees on one side. I was going to go 8' and make it from Azek or composite board glued with 4200. Does anyone have any thoughts, reactions, or suggestions?

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    Last edited: Mar 1, 2023
  2. messabout
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    messabout Senior Member

    I suspect that you will get better results with simple runners on the flat part of the bottom. The runners can be rectangular strips perhaps one inch by three inches more or less. Three of four of those will help mitigate the sideways slipping. The strakes, that you have drawn, are not likely to make much difference.

    Runners can have other benefits such as helping protect the bottom of the boat from encounters with oyster shell.
    bajansailor likes this.
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