Steel pilothouse motorsailer by Garden

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by rubenova, Aug 13, 2016.

  1. rubenova
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    rubenova Junior Member

    I have been looking around the internet for a boat that was built in the 80's. It went from the west coast to Japan and back via the Aleutian's and Russia. I recall it was about 80 feet. Years ago I heard it was in New Zealand. Overall a very stout boat, but must have been rather plain compared to some of the other Garden plans as it gets no internet love. I can't find a darn thing on it. Her name was Boreal, short for Aurora Borealis. Anyone have info?
  2. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    Had a quick look and the only motorsail boat close to that size was:

    NEREUS; 85 ft. motorsailer Designer, William Garden; Design #449; Builder, Western Boat Building Corp.; Date made unknown. SEA WITCH; Builder unknown; Date made unknown. SEEKER; Builder unknown; Date made unknown.

    Run those names in google
  3. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member


    I'm not sure about your Garden design, but you seem to have developed an interest in motorsalers.

    You might have a look at this very nice Hand design:
    Motor Sailers by Philip Rhodes & John Alden

    Or the numerous Rhodes & Alden designs on this subject thread:
    Motor Sailers by Philip Rhodes & John Alden
  4. rubenova
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    rubenova Junior Member

    Thank you Brian. I like all boats. My research leads me to believe it may not be a Garden design after all. I was a kid at her launching party near the Swartz bay ferry terminal in the 80's. It was pretty exciting as she was floating nowhere near her painted waterline. Of course there were romantic stories of her ending up in New Zealand. Very little luck googling 80 foot Boreal =)
  5. Vision
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    Vision New Member

    Yes, the Boreal was a Bill Garden design. She was built in Sidney, BC then was sailed to Newport Beach where she was outfitted for her crossing to Hawaii, Guam, Japan and up the Chinese & Russian coast then across the Aleutians and down through Alaska back to her home port of Sidney. She was sailed down to Calif again a few years later where she was sold to two brothers who had a shipyard in New Zealand. She was plain compared to many of the modern day explorer yachts but she plied the seas well. I was on her in Japan.
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  6. rubenova
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    rubenova Junior Member

    Ok! Another step closer. Does anyone know of these brothers and their shipyard? This might be something like the "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" of a scavenger hunt.
  7. rubenova
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    rubenova Junior Member

    Here is a picture of BOREAL boreal.JPG
  8. rubenova
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    rubenova Junior Member

  9. Tad
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    Tad Boat Designer

    Was for sale in Australia (or maybe NZ) a year or two back. 664288153.jpg 664288480.jpg 664288876.jpg
    bajansailor and clmanges like this.

  10. rubenova
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    rubenova Junior Member

    Tad comes through! Thank you sir!! I'm getting closer =)
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