starter hook up on a rope start outboard

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by eatsleepfish, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. eatsleepfish
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    eatsleepfish Gone Fishing

    I'm wanting to hook up a electric starter on my rope start 2001 50 hp Johnson, I do not wish to change any wiring on my motor, I just wish to wire the starter only, no stator nor nothing else, so my question is I've installed the starter and solenoid, drilled and run the battery cables in to the space and installed a start button, here's where I get fuzzy, (I'm no mechanic at all) so from here do I run the red battery cable to the side of the solenoid then on the other side run a equally heavy gage wire from that side of the solenoid to the starter post, then bolt the battery black ground wire to a mounting bolt on the starter to ground it out, then put the 2 wires from the start button one on each small post of the solenoid,,, any help is much need, but take fair warning use little words and type them real slow so I can try to keep up.... and yep, I do know I'll have to charge my starting battery just the same as I do my trolling battery, no problem,
  2. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    Your doin OK.
    The Relay connects the Red from the Battery to the Red going to the starter.
    The small wire from the Push Button goes to one of the small terminals on the Relay. If you have another small terminal, it connects to Ground, or the Black wire to Ground.
  3. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    You mean a 5 hp...?
  4. eatsleepfish
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    eatsleepfish Gone Fishing

    nope Alan,, hehe,, 50 hp, it's a Belgaum Johnson, takes 2 men an a mule to crank it,,,

    so thudpucker does the red push button wire go to the little terminal marked s and the red and yellow from the same push start button and the ground wire both go to the terminal marked I ?
  5. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    Red +>>>Relay (which is a switch, making the two large Red wires take the Battery current to the Starter.

    Your push button starter switch, sends Battery current to the small terminal on the Relay. That's all you need to start that motor.

    If you have two small terminals on the Relay, I don't know what the other wires are for, and I don't know what "S" and "I" might stand for.

    I doubt if some good photo's would help me here! :)
  6. eatsleepfish
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    eatsleepfish Gone Fishing

    the solenoid has the 2 big terminals, and 2 small terminals, ok the big ones I under stand, on the small terminals you say one grounds out, and the red one goes to the other terminal, dose the ground go on the small terminal closest to the incoming battey lead, or the outgoing starter lead, now the starter button has 2 wires you say one goes to the small terminal,, where does the second wire go,
  7. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    You may be right on the verge of a big problem.

    Firs: Test that Solenoid by connecting a wire to the Battery or the big Red wire, and touch it to the Small terminal.
    The solenoid should pull up and the starter start turning.
    If that happens, you win big. Just connect your starter button to that small terminal and go fishing.

    Do that and comeback with the results.

  8. eatsleepfish
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    eatsleepfish Gone Fishing

    I= ignition an s= starter, I had one of the starter button wires in the wrong place,
    thank you for putting up with this poor dumb country boy, she starts like a champ, now all I got to remember is to turn my back to the water when tying my bait on, since the bait I use is so good the fish jump in the boat just to get to it,,, angler to the bone I'm fear,,, again thank you thudpucker,,,,,,
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