stand up paddleboard - what's different from a large surfboard?

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by BPL, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. BPL
    Joined: Dec 2011
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    BPL Senior Member

    What's different between a stand on top paddleboard and a large surfboard?
  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    A lot of the paddleboards I've seen have pointed bows and are designed for the slower speeds of a paddleboard as compared to a surfboard.
    Here are some pictures of a Laird Hamilton stand up paddleboard:


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  3. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member


    They are much wider than a standard surf board. They even have a hand hole in the center of gravity on top to make carrying it easy because u would need monkey arms to carry without.

    The width gives them the stability to make it easy to stand and paddle.

  4. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Please tell me, why would you want to stand up and paddle when you could just as well sit in a comfy position or even have a choice. I like my home comforts.
  5. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member

    Excellent question Tom. I don't know. "SUP"s were the hot thing with kids this summer.
    Searching the web today I find all kinds of shapes being marketed as stand up paddleboards

    A round bow wide body SUP
    A narrow beam sharp bow SUP
    A short and blunt SUP

    As a kid I messed around on surfboards when waves were too small to surf. I've never tried out a SUP. What Steve and Doug say about width for stability and a bow shape that works better at slower speeds is what I was after.
  6. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    Well I don't think any of you fogies should try it. ;)

    Superior core,balancer muscles,etc etc. exercise.
  7. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    They are Americans Tom. They went to the moon, I don't think it was on a paddle board though.

    Here we dont call it a paddle board --we call it a plank.
  8. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member

    It's the "new" plank. They get $900-$1800 for SUPs and they are selling.
  9. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    There are several attractions to paddle boarding. Perhaps the most important is that its extremely easy to do. In just a few minutes most anyone can learn to do it. No Life jacket required, easy to transport and launch. As an olde type windsurfer I can tell you its important not to discount the view from standing as opposed to sitting down.

    And while I agree the prices you see are pretty silly, these units can be had for much less, which brings me to perhaps the best reason, in the current economy, kayaks, paddle boards, etc are affordable ways to get on the water.

    Oh, and having tried this I can tell you they are a lot of fun. Steve :cool:
  10. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Oh --I just though of another word for it ---A log.

    I think thats the first over water transport by cave men before they dug it out.

    Well done USA re invented a log.

    In sure "ugh" will be delighted. --Ugh was the original inventor. Probably English.
  11. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    It ain't the inventing part that's important, its the selling.

    We are the very best sales and marketing people in the world! Who else could sell a new and improved "log" for a thousand $ US?

    Personally, my hero is and always be the guy that invented the pet rock.


  12. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I built a paddle board for my kid`s 1960`s. The first thing they tried to do was to put a seat on it.
  13. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Maybe --just maybe you could lie down on it and use a wave behind you to push you along.. If you get good you could then jump up and stand on it as it continues down the ever moving wave.

    I think ive just invented something here.

    You could get many people doing it and have competitions with girls watching in bikinis.

    You could make weekly serials on TV and call it Oh something like Baywatch with big **** in it as girls run up and down the beach in slow motion (how do they do that)

    I dont want anyone stealing my Idea.

  14. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    they are just wide and stable floats so the average person can stand on it comfortably. I just do not understand why they are so popular in the resort areas. why stand when you can sit and relax in a sit-on-top kayak? A SOT kayak is far must useful and much less costly.
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