Staining Teak

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Asleep Helmsman, Jan 6, 2021.

  1. Asleep Helmsman
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    Asleep Helmsman Senior Member

    What color would you guys suggest to stain teak the same color as teak.

    I'm rebuilding a Pearson 35 which includes every piece of teak. It's all going to be varnished. Some of the teak I'm using has a some sap wood and is a little whiter than the heart wood. Heart wood is the normal color for teak, but it is extremely expensive so this piece of sapwood will have to be used.

    Thanks for your knowledge,

    Oh by the way, please don't waist your words telling me how bad it is to use varnish. I'm good at it and my varnish looks like a mirror. Can't make oil look like that.
  2. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    It will take a bit of experiment to get it perfect.

    My technique for color correcting wood.
    -clear oil to establish a baseline color
    -geled stain to correct color. It can be applied slightly thicker than liquid stain. Only stain the light areas.
    -first coat of varnish
    -tweek with additional geled stain. Scuff area prior to staining. Excess stain can be sanded/scrapped off.
    -additional varnish

    Remember that stained wood is harder to touch-up than unstained wood

    Good luck
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Teak color varies from a reddish brown to grayish brown. It depends on where it grows, how fast it grew and what part of the log it was cut from. Matching colors is possible, but pigments fade with time and the color will change. A color wheel is a good tool to start with. Match the color of the teak you like to a section of the wheel. Then match the color of the teak you don't like to a section of the wheel. Each section is composed of different ratios of the basic colors. The difference in ratios is what you need to add to the teak you don't like.
  4. Howlandwoodworks
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    Howlandwoodworks Member

    If you can find an alcohol base stain it will penetrate the oily wood grain better than an oil base stain without blotching.
    Look on a woodworking forum they are all over it. Also look for tint and dye product.
    Will Gilmore likes this.

  5. Asleep Helmsman
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    Asleep Helmsman Senior Member

    Thanks Guys,
    Ended up using regular old stain. i tried a couple of test on some scrap. It was actually easier than I thought it was going to be. As usual, Teak is a good wood to work with.
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