Spruce Supplier USA

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by BobBill, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Am looking for reputable supplier of Sitka and other sprucewoods, if you have some experience.

    Anyone used signboard for hull material and have opinion?

  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you are talking about MDO waterproof plywood, many major boat manufacturers used it. For example, Chris Craft.
  3. PAR
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    MDO used to be a fairly good product, but not so much any more. It does meet APA 1-95 voluntary standards, but this isn't acceptable in most thin planking or bulkhead situations. The rosin paper coating does receive paint well, but most often you'll get raised grain print through (isolated patches) if used on a boat. The current quality of MDO isn't even close to what you'll want in a marine grade.

    It's true that Chris Craft and other manufactures used MDO, but in most cases, these were custom ordered lots and constructed to a much higher standard then we're seeing in MDO today. I've seen shipments of Chris Craft plywood, destined to be the strakes on their sea skiffs and other utilities. They were crooked scrafed and some over 20' long. You can still order plywood like this, but unless you can get a mill to punch up a small run, you're probably going to have to accept the results of someone else's custom run (over run) or stock lengths.

    Spruce isn't especially had to find, though as you'd expect, quality straight grain, quarter sawn and clear pieces will carry a noticeable price per foot.

    New England Naval Timbers 800/693-8425
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  4. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Wood Supplier Sought

    Par, thanks, you always come through...and Gonzo, for my use MDO might be decent, certainly less expensive than marine...maybe glassed the MDO.

    Am nearly certain I will build a Malibu Outrigger, using some form of modern materials.

    Right now, the outrigger ama arms have me perplexed...need to make collapsible for easy transport...wood is so beautiful and heavy.

    Might have to avoid wood and use some form of collapsible carbon or aluminum tubes...things have to be 11 feet long...but wood for all else save spars.

    Like some other stuff, planning is have the fun.

    Thanks again.
  5. Charly
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  6. PAR
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    If you're building a multi hull, you should strongly consider Okoume.
  7. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Wood for Boat Construction

    Par, as you suggest...and from Charly's thoughtful direction to the Lumber Yard in Madison, which is but 2 hours from my home.

    Thanks to both of you.
  8. jamesgyore
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    jamesgyore Senior Member

    Hi there Bob,

    When building my little ultralight, I needed to import some Spruce from the US. The stuff is difficult to find and very expensive.

    Try http://www.aircraftspruce.com/ While aircraft spruce obviously cater to aircraft builders, they might be able to help in the same way that duck flat wooden boats here in Australia http://www.duckflatwoodenboats.com/ were also able to help me substitute Hoop pine for Spruce in some parts of my aircraft.

    I would never have agreed that an aircraft constructed of pine would be safe until I spoke with some builders of Corby Starlets with an ultimate design rating of +/- 6.25g.

    As an afterthought, Hoop pine is a little heavier than Spruce, but is a great deal stronger.

    My aircraft became an odd combo-meal-deal with ribs made of Spruce and spars made of Hoop pine. I suppose the lesson for me was, don't underestimate the qualities of some pine species.


  9. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Wood for Boat Construction

    Thanks James, will look into it.

    What would be a good wood to make a 28 foot spar, actually, a yard, for the Malibu, without breaking the bank...?

    The top spar in pic...

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  10. PAR
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    White pine or Douglas fir, but with Douglas fir, you'll need to adjust the stave scantlings a bit, to compensate for the weight and increased stiffness of the material or you'll have a heavy stick (what my woman says of me all the time).
  11. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Thanks Big-Boy :) Can I obtain in appropriate lengths, or will splices be needed? (For the Spars)

    Thanks again, Par.
  12. PAR
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    Spars can be spliced, be they solid or hollow constructed. 12:1 scarf ratio is the usual recommendation on scarfs in spars.
  13. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Thanks. I am still debating the issue of cat rigged MO with rotating mast or semi carb claw, also with rotating mast. Former makes travel etc and sailing a bit easier, and I believe I have the base section in hand. Old Force 5 base with carbon upper.

  14. Easy Rider
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    Easy Rider Senior Member

    We have lots of Sitka Spruce here in Alaska. Even near Sitka haha. PM me if you're interested in looking into freight costs or where our saw mills distribute to. We have lots of Red and Yellow Cedar too.
    Easy Rider
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