Speedometer Stopped Working????

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by BMcAustin, Jul 4, 2005.

  1. BMcAustin
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    BMcAustin New Member

    I have recently purchased a used Sea Ray 180 Sport, with a 3.0 liter Mercruiser sterndrive. I've only had it for 3 months and 2 weeks ago the speedometer stopped working.

    Does anyone know what I could check before taking it somewhere and paying $75/hour for a simple fix?
  2. gerard baladi
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    gerard baladi Junior Member

    Check your gauge hose connection at both ends, if connected maybe the hose is clogged.
  3. PowerTech
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    PowerTech Senior Member

    the speedo will never stop breaking thats what they do the hose rots off or pops off the pitot tube doun on the bottom of the transome,or the whole darn thing breaks of.you can fix it easy just dig around it is a simple system.
  4. BMcAustin
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    BMcAustin New Member

    Thanks guys
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The usual cause is a clogged intake hole. That is either in the front of the lower unit or a separate pickup attached to the transom. The gauge measures pressure. You can disconnect the hose at the gauge and blow backwards to disloge whatever is clogging it.
  6. mediator
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    mediator Junior Member

    Where is this hole that everyone is talking about, I am very new to ownership of a boat I have a bowrider 180 Sea Ray. The speedo stopped working, everyone is talking about the hole, exactly where is it. It there a location where I can actually see a picture. I found a very tiny hole about 2 inches up from the bottom of the out drive is that it. It seems to be clogged I gues I tried to put a paper clip into the hole and it wont go in. Any other ideas?
  7. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Find your pitot tube mount on the transom.

    This is a universal Teleflex unit and fairly typical of what they look like:


    The tiny hole is on the end of the arm, often in a little metal plate, inserted into the tube. Attached to this "device" is usually a clear vinyl tubing that goes up to the back of the speedo.

    The usual problems are a blocked orifice (little hole in the arm), a blocked vinyl tube and a disconnected, broken, cracked or holed vinyl tube. The easy way to check if to remove the tube from the pitot tube mount and blow into the vinyl hose. If the speedo moves, it's likely the pitot is plugged. If it doesn't move the hose is plugged, other wise defective or the gauge has an issue (not very common).

    The first thing you should do before going further is to buy a manual for your boat/engine/drive package. This will be a great help in identifying issues, parts and assemblies, as well as help with procedures and repairs.
  8. mediator
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    mediator Junior Member

    Thanks for your help

    I was looking in the wrong place thanks for your help.
  9. mediator
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    mediator Junior Member

    I just checked out the transom and I dont see anything that looks like that on this boat, I got the owners manual and it doesnt show where the speedometer pitot so I am not sure where to look now, it appears there is nothing but the engine lower unit and nothing else could it be located on the drive portion of the motor?
  10. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    Can you follow the wire from the speedometer back to where it goes thru the hull or transom
  11. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    It's a lot easier to start with the basics first. What is the year, make and model of your boat? How is it equipped (engine/drive package)? AN owner's manual will not tell you much, just where to stick the key and which direction to twist it. Have you got a repair manual? Can you post a picture of the stern of your boat?
  12. mediator
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    mediator Junior Member

    Make and model is a Sea Ray 180 year is 2000

    The make is a Sea Ray Bowrider, 180 year is 2000, I/O drive, and the manuals I have both, just say clean out the inlet jet but it doesnt tell me where it is. Great Manaul.
  13. mediator
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    mediator Junior Member

    Here are the pictures of the Engine


    Attached Files:

  14. mediator
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    mediator Junior Member

    Second View of motor

    Second View of Motor.jpg

  15. mediator
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    mediator Junior Member

    On the left side of the motor I do have a transducer but that is for my Garmin GPS unit, I have as everyone else resorted to using the GPS for speed, but my wife drives the boat sometimes and goes faster than she should because she doesnt check the GPS just the speedometer on the dash. And since it doesnt work she doesnt know how to gauage her speed.
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