Speed of creating a boat mold

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Wellington, Jul 2, 2018.

  1. Wellington
    Joined: Jun 2018
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    Wellington Junior Member

    I am 6ft tall and am mulling over the possibility of making a 23ft - 25ft trailerable catboat with 6ft+ headroom and 3ft draft and 12ft beam similar to this amazing catboat lazy lucy:
    Google Image Result for https://newimages.yachtworld.com/resize/1/49/94/5874994_20160716111225033_1_XLARGE.jpg?f=/1/49/94/5874994_20160716111225033_1_XLARGE.jpg&w=600&h=450&t=1468711262000 https://tinyurl.com/ybycbmyp.

    I dont know if this would even be technically possible but some boats i've seen seem to have come very close to these dimensions and i just dont seem to be able to find my perfect dimentioned boat on the market.

    Any rough estimates on costs and timeframe of attempting this in the uk would be much appreciated. I have no boat building experience.


  2. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    You would make it in wood or foam sandwich, either way as a one off, so no shiny mould needed just a temporary stringer/frame mould

    Costs, way more than buying a used boat. Time, maybe 1000 hours if you know what you are doing, many more to replicate they boat in your link

    And resale value would be very low, because there are so few, if any catboats in the UK. I suggest you research them a bit more and talk to owners to see if one would cope with UK conditions (depends where you sail of course, on the Lakes or Broads you'd be OK)

    Richard Woods
  3. Wellington
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    Wellington Junior Member

    Yes, i figured the lakes or broads would be suitable for a 3ft draft. Its the appeal of creating a six foot headroom boat in less than 25ft with wide beam that appeals to me and simply cannot be found on the uk market. The double ender transom just makes for a very cosy boat and when combined with wide beam is very attractive especially if you have the headroom for a shower.

    I think a boat of these dimensions would be very popular on the broads despite no existing boats in the uk but like you say i suspected it would be quite a costly investment and big risk unless you could make something very niche and high end rather than stitch 'n' glue method but i dont have those skills. Do you think buying a 70s fiberglass catamaran is suicidal or can you patch holes indefinately?


  4. Wellington
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    Wellington Junior Member

    Just one other barking mad idea that ive always been curious about, has anyone ever tried putting a bathtub in one of your catamarans hulls or is that just an efficient way to sink?
  5. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    Taller boats create some practical problems with things like windage but probably a main stumbling block is they don't look good.
    Ya know, if you keep asking stuff like this da pipples will quit responding.
  6. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    Yes. That's why it makes sense to have an off-center centerboard on a shallow draft power cruiser as it helps from being blown around. As for looks there are certain kinds of boats that look pretty good while being relatively tall, like paddlewheelers, it's all just a matter of expectations. Same with river-boat designs in general, such as those of the much missed PAR.
  7. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Have you seen the little Lyle Hess catboat. They are very highly thought of among their unique group of owners.

  8. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    yes indeed, some of my 40ft Nimbus's had a hipbath, I think its shown on my MSHMF video

    Nothing wrong with a 70's catamaran for most people

  9. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    If your perfect dimensioned catboat is Lazy Lucy, her asking price is only US$12,000, and she probably cost at least 5 times this to build.
    Hence you could perhaps put in a bid for her - even if you add on the cost of shipping her across the Atlantic, and getting her to comply with the RCD regulations in England, the cost would still be a fraction of the cost of building a new one now in England.

    Alternatively, re catboats, have you come across the Nonsuch range?
    There are a couple for sale in the UK on Yachtworld.
    Here is a 26' version with an asking price of GBP 17,500 - she has 6' headroom, 10' beam, however they say that her draft is 4'7", but maybe this is with the centreboard (if she has one) down.
    Nonsuch 26 For Sale, 7.93m (26'0"), 1990 https://haylingisland.boatshed.com/nonsuch_26-boat-232113.html
    And on Yachtworld
    1990 Nonsuch 26 Sail Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com https://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1990/Nonsuch-26-3068916/Hayling-Island---UK-%28by-appointment-only%29/United-Kingdom

    Or a Nonsuch 30 with an asking price of GBP 30,000.
    1987 Nonsuch 30 Sail Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com https://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1987/Nonsuch-30-2521838/Shotley/United-Kingdom
  10. Wellington
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    Wellington Junior Member

    Thanks for the pic. That sure does look like a nice boat. I have found the following info on it but it does not seem to list the standing headroom. Any idea what the standing headroom is?

    lengte 4,88 m length 16'
    breedte 2,44 m beam 8'
    diepgang 0.66 m/1.18 m draft 2'/4'
    waterverplaatsing 1381 kg displacement 3046 lb
    zeiloppervlak 20 m2 sail area 220 sq ft
    motor: Ruggerini RM 90, 10 pk engine: Ruggerini RM 90, 10 h
  11. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Re the cabin headroom of the Lyle Hess cat boat, I think that (based on the photo) it would be perhaps 4'6" at the most, and possibly less.
    Hence a long way from standing headroom for somebody who is 6'!
  12. Wellington
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    Wellington Junior Member

    yes i think you are right. Im not sure if it is possible to make a cat boat with 6ft headroom x 25ft x 9'6" (uk road trailer dimentions) Yes the nonsuch range is very nice but the 26ft is slightly over uk trailering dimensions. The Nonsuch 22 looks nice but i'm not sure about the headroom and i cant find one in the uk for sale.


  13. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

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