SoftONE-NEST Nesting software for shipdesign & sheet metal industries

Discussion in 'Software' started by ovidiuse, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. ovidiuse
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    ovidiuse ONESoft Software

    Currently, SoftONE-NEST hasn't implemented a fully automatic nesting module, but has special nesting function like "SMART BUMP" which can be used succesfully for quick parts nesting.

    If you need more information about SoftONE-NEST or CNC please send me an e-mail on

    Thank you

  2. pdmsvn
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    pdmsvn Junior Member

    Ovidiuse, i am a hull design engineer, I am user have license AutoNesting of SoftCad, I have mistake of ONESoft.
    All of you said, so I have nothing to say. Goodbye.
  3. ovidiuse
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    ovidiuse ONESoft Software

    pdmsvn: Ok, Future,be carefully about the software you talking about...
  4. pdmsvn
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    pdmsvn Junior Member

    Do you know STX Tulcea in Romania, I have some friends working for this shipyard.
    Glad to see you.
    By the way, how much is your software ONESoft cost?
  5. pdmsvn
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    pdmsvn Junior Member

    TANSL: i assure you have never used autonestFX and TurboNest, combine two program, we quite auto nest small parts is good, then use output CNC file for CNC operator. AutonestFX use autocad window. This is a tool added on autocad program. Certainly these not stronger as ONESoft but maybe quite automatic, almost no need help by hand.
    I don't know how you create brick connect between parts with every thousand parts?
    Do you know brick in nesting part?
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    pdmsvn, forget me, please. To me you do not exist

    ovidiuse, I have my own software for drawing parts, nested in clichés, cutting profiles and, in general, generate all the information to cut the pieces and profiles as well as prefabrivcate large blocks in Steel, aluminum, etc.. All my software "mimics" the results of FORAN.
    My software uses AutoCAD like drawing module and processes what has been drawn with it to create the binary files in machine language. Unfortunately, for some time, this processor is no longer necessary because all manufacturers have their software that directly connect the dwg files with cutting machines.
    I do not know all there is on the market, as happens to our colleague, but what's in my country is what I'm telling you. Nobody longer interested in a CNC program by it self. What use shipyards are integrated, very powerfull programs used to build the whole boat: draw the shapes, developing the plates that go on the hull, parts nesting, sketches for profile cutting and bending, assembling information and subsets of large blocks, 3D models for laying of pipes, ventilation ducts, electrical cables, etc.
  7. ovidiuse
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    ovidiuse ONESoft Software

    pdmsvn: Yes, I know STX Tulcea. I have a good cooperation with Tulcea shipyard.
  8. ovidiuse
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    ovidiuse ONESoft Software

    tansl: Interesting shipdesign software... it use Autocad as base... nice.
    Regarding the nesting part:for nesting the parts at a fixed part-part or part-plate distance do you developed some special functions or use the standard autocad function as move, rotate etc?

    Regarding to CNC, like you said, the machine software are able to convert DXF/DWG files, but there are some limitation, for example a bevel cutting... A professional nesting can be performed only with professional nesting software. The machine manufacturers sell together with the machine the CAM nesting software which can have autonest module also.
    Like you said, shipyard use CAD/CAM integrated systems which are developed on strong database systems and has dedicated modules for each part of ship building : Lines, Planar & Curved Hull Design, Nesting, Structure, Pipe, Assembly, Electrical etc.
    Depending of the shipyard cutting machine options & settings, maybe is necessary a new post processor software / output.
  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I use all facilities of AutoCAD and some "macro" created by me. For example, if I point the insertion point for a new piece, the program located +25 mm of the point indicated.
  10. ovidiuse
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    ovidiuse ONESoft Software

    Ok, understand.

    Stand alone nesting software like SoftONE-NEST, perform a automatic/manually "true shape nesting" for a fastest nesting.
    For example, besides the standard move, rotate mirror functions, it has special "BUMP" functions. This type of function, move/translate automatically the parts into standard directions at the specified distance to other parts/ sheet plate (distance values is of course user configurable). Also, other functions as collision control help users for avoid nesting errors.

    On the other hand, some nesting software like SoftONE-NEST use databases for storing parts/nesting data. This feature can increase the nesting processes control.
  11. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    My program has many facilities to create the pieces of a block, subassemblies, etc.. It also has facilities for making 2D and 3D drawings of each block, automatic creation of parametric parts, dimensional control, 2D and 3D sketches, etc. , Very complete listings, traceability of parts, build strategy, finally is a program to generate all the necessary information to build the boat of metal. Just one of the modules, there are 8 or 9 modules, it is the corresponding to nesting and CNC processor.
    I wish you much success with your program.

  12. ovidiuse
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    ovidiuse ONESoft Software

    New version of SoftONE-NEST plate nesting software:
    New features in V2:
    - Group parts nesting;
    - Advanced control of number of nested parts:
    - parts & plates inventory;
    - DXF plates nesting export as polylines entities: different layers according with machine processes; compatibility with CNC cutting machines which can import the SoftONE-NEST DXF nesting for direct NC post processing.
    *Improved auto-nesting engine;
    *Improved toolpath optimization algorithm which reduce the cutting time;
    *Improved automatic DXF parts import interface: auto geometries errors cleaning

    More info: ONESoft Web:
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