SoftONE-NEST Nesting software for shipdesign & sheet metal industries

Discussion in 'Software' started by ovidiuse, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. ovidiuse
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    ovidiuse ONESoft Software

    SoftONE-NEST is easy-to-use, powerfull semi-automatic plate nesting CAM software for plasma, waterjet, oxyfuel, and laser machines. Application use the best methods for parts nesting and together with its database platform make a professional nesting solution for shipbuilding and sheet metal industries. More info: ONESoft Web Site ...

    Main features:
    #Automatic parts imports from CAD systems: DXF, SM3D, AVEVA Marine ;
    #Automatic CAD file correction and error notification;
    #Powerful nesting algorithms and optimized tool path research;
    #Part In Part Nesting;
    #Smart bridges nesting;
    #Drag, drop, and bump features;
    #Automatic and manual rectangular nesting;
    #Automatic NC toolpath generation and optimization;
    #Automatic and manual lead-in/out features;
    #Automatic part position numbering, productions sketches and reports;
    #Integrate the powerfull algorithms from SoftONE-CNC NC post processor application for fastest generation of NC files;
    ESSI & EIA (G-Code) standard post processors included;
    #User customizable post processors.
  2. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Cant find any costs mentioned - I hate dealing with software companies that dont provide an understandable 'investment level'
  3. pdmsvn
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    pdmsvn Junior Member

    We can training AutoNesting from SoftOne Nesting, please contact us for your detail via email:
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    pdmsvn, what does "semi-automatic plate nesting" mean?. Because I think one thing is automatic or not, but both things at once can not be. Please could you elaborate on that term?
  5. pdmsvn
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    pdmsvn Junior Member

    I used some program for nesting plate like AutoNesting of SoftOne and AutoNest FX of Redar firm and found that sometime we can not auto nest all plate into on stock estimation, need to help from the hand to avoid waste plate size we have. So it is said semi automatic plate nesting.
    However I know program AutoNest FX can help estimate for small plate up 1000 pcs within auto brick that no need nest again by hand, and then import to Turbonest file and using TurboNest to export CNC file, you can search on google AutoNest fx.
    If everyone want to know more about how to do, we can support training.
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    For many years they have been talking of programs for automatic nesting of parts, but I've never seen in action.
    In my opinion, it is misleading to speak of nestig semi automatic because if the hard parts have to be nested by hand, then this is a manual nest program which, some simple things, makes for itself. That is not as impressive as throwing the idea that the program is "almost" automatic.
    Drawing facilities have some CAD programs do allow a very fast and accurate nesting. The current CNC machines incorporate post processors that allow them to read, for example, files in dwg format. Therefore, no specific programs are needed for "semi-automatic" nesting. It is enough with a good drawing program. Do not complicate life, please.
  7. pdmsvn
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    pdmsvn Junior Member

    We have not many hard parts, main cause is to avoid waste plate size on stock, safe cost of steel plate. Thus using software for nesting will help us safe man hour, cost , on time according to plan to delivery one project. Named auto or semi auto is decided by firm. We just use software as tool helpful.
  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    All this is very interesting and you no mistake, that's what everyone tries: save hours and save material. Do not try to reinvent the wheel now.
    I can assure you that AutoCAD can make nesting more fast than other programs and with such good use of plates as any other.
    I have made, I personally, the nesting of many thousands of parts and rarely those pieces were rectangular. Therefore, what you call "automatic nesting" of rectangular pieces, do not impress me much.
    By the way, your program does the nesting, automatic or semiautomatic, of profiles (extrusions)?. This really is an interesting aspect when we talk about nesting.
  9. pdmsvn
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    pdmsvn Junior Member

    Ok, and I personally, I assure no any larger shipbuiding shipyard within CNC machine just use autocad program for nesting parts, autocad can not create marking line for every thousand parts, and brick between the parts...NO OWNER choose such shipyard.
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I think you do not know well what you're talking about.
    For many years I have been working as a subcontractor to major shipyards, generating with AutoCAD all information for CNC cutting of thousands of pieces. Not only that information included in the form of the parts but the "marking lines" and, in some cases, texts cutting machine engraving, wifth its marking torch, on the workpiece surface.
    You are quite right, AutoCAD can not create marking. But in fact AutoCAD can not create anything, all it can do is follow the commands of the user. The user, and only him, is the creator.
  11. pdmsvn
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    pdmsvn Junior Member

    You just know what happen a long ago. We have working this job everyday. Ok, so you don't talk me such thing. We are not same job.
  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Forgive me but you do not know how long I'm talking about.
    You do not know what my current job.
    You do not know what I've done in recent years on the subject of CNC.
    You know nothing but allow yourself to say "so you do not talk me such thing."
    What skills, knowledge, do you have that allow you to say what I should or should not say?
    You've gotten in this forum and here, people, with education and mutual respect, think about what others say. No more guessing how each one is but, only, express your opinion about what the other says.
  13. pdmsvn
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    pdmsvn Junior Member

    Sorry, I don't want to talk you what you don't use, when you use this software then talk to me. When you don't know about this software, let me show you. I maybe not know deep well, but I have used it for my job helpful. And my purpose is for who are interesting and care AutoNesting SoftOne.
  14. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Once again you are wrong. I have never spoken of that software. I have thought about what you said and my opinion is that you are not prepared to discuss this issue. And why I say that about your knowledge?. Well because what you say, and questions I do and you do not answer, take me to me the idea that, for now, you should not talk about what makes a program that, as you say, you do not know well.
    Best wishes to you can go to learn things quickly.
    Goodby, mi friend.

  15. ovidiuse
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    ovidiuse ONESoft Software

    pdmsvn: WHO ARE YOU ? I haven't any contact with you regarding any software !
    SoftONE-NEST are a ONESoft product and any details about this software product or other ONESoft software can be supplied only by ONESoft company:
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