So what happens to the ferry Capt.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by ondarvr, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. ondarvr
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  2. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    From a thread on another forum.

    To help shine some light on the subject, I work for WSF and I know the Captain who was on watch that day as well. Bottom line is he is ******. We sail under the coast guards "rules of the road" as does every vessel navigating in Washingtons water ways. The PB had the right of way because he was on the right side of the ferry. That's the law. Unfortunately common sense rule of tonnage holds no bearing to the coast guard. On Monday the ferry captain has a coast guard hearing and it's going to be very difficult to justify what happened. If you look in the video you can see the tahlequah ferry terminal in the back ground. The captain slowed to make his approach then brought the handles to zero because the PB kept coming. He should have sounded the whistle sooner and back down sooner. That's what the coast guard will say. The PB is at fault to. However the PB has a lot less to loose. The captains lively hood is at stake. He is less than 2 years from retirement. The best case scenario for him is he can keep his job but never hold another position as a officer in charge of a navigating watch. Which is big pay cut.

    There is a security zone of 200m that surrounding all passenger carring vessels which PBers violate all the time, especially in the san juans. The ****** up thing is I've seen that exact scenario play out a hundred times only the PB turns out at the last minute. If all the ferry boats slowed or stopped for every idiot on the water every ferry would be late every day. Especially during the summer. So 99% of time the tonnage rule applies until there is a collision.

    Bottom line. Ferry Captain is ******. PBer is a ******* and probably won't get insurance to cover his damages. Captain will most likely loose his job hire a lawyer, go to court, get a deal to work as a 2nd not in charge of a navigating watch.
  3. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    Was the guy in the power boat asleep?
  4. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    In the head taking care of business. Only person on the boat.
  5. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    Such foresight on his part, by not stopping so he could go in safety ... I believe the saying is: "Here's your sign."
  6. Angélique
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    :eek: - Ignorance is some sort of paradise, at least for the ignorant. - :eek:
  7. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    Earlier I was tempted to post an ooooold joke (1970s vintage) about a guy who bought a loaded conversion van and wrecked it only a few minutes after leaving the dealership.

    In the joke the guy who sold him the van asked what went wrong and he was told that he wasn't sure, but soon after he set the cruise control and went to fix himself a drink at the van's wet bar all heck broke loose.
  8. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    No joke or fantasy beats what happens for real . . . :eek:

    [​IMG] Unilateral accident on August 26, 2016 wrecks a just bought rare fully restored 1937 Rolls Royce, and it's trailer, and the towing Range Rover, by just getting besides the road, and there was also contamination of the soil along the roadside by leaking fuel and coolant, and a number of trees were demolished, and there was also damage to the cycle path next to the road - :rolleyes:

    This rare and fully restored 1937 Rolls Royce was bought just minutes before from Retro Legends in Valkenswaard in the Netherlands, and then got beside the road in a unilateral accident.

    The new owner is a Swiss national who was heading for home with his very valuable acquisition.

    There were two occupants in the Range Rover who both weren't injured.

    Dutch link ---> Google translation

  9. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Oh, note also the Rolls' chromed valve covers, I don't think that's original, so the value of the car was reduced anyways - :rolleyes:

    BTW, it's a RHD Rolls, so it wouldn't have been a convenient ride in Switzerland - ;)
  10. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Frankly, as a Retired Coast Guard Officer, If I were the investigating officer on this it would be pretty plain to me that the ferry skipper was not at fault. The idiot on the recreational boat violated a half dozen or more of the navigation rules, not the least of which is the requirement to keep a lookout at all times. I would slap him with a maximum penalty for grossly negligent operation (a felony).

    As an aside, I know the area where this happened very well. It is heavily trafficked with rec boats, fishing boats, commercial traffic, and the ferry goes back and forth all day (with a break for lunch) and any one who operates a boat there knows this. There is a marina and a boat ramp next to the ferry terminal, and boats come and go constantly, even in the winter. SO the ferry captains really earn their pay avoiding idiots like this.
  11. Angélique
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  12. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    Aside: how expensive would it be to rig up a drone control complete with cameras and radar input from your boat? Something you could take into the can with you if messing your britches wasn't your thing?
  13. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    I have seen that video a half dozen times. What is not obvious in the video is that the Ferry is at a dead stop. In other words the boat hit the ferry. At first view it seems the boat has the right of way (is the stand on vessel), and the ferry is the give way vessel. But when you realize the ferry is at a dead stop, then you see that the rec boat was the offending vessel. Plus that, no one was at the helm of the rec boat, and the ferry capt was doing all that he could (in accordance with the navigation rules) to avoid the collision. You don't stop a big ferry boat on a dime.
  14. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    If you have to use the head and you are the only one on board, you move your boat out of the channel, stop the boat, do your business, and then get under way again. You don't put on the iron mike in a busy waterway.

  15. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    We'll, of course.

    Though could you imagine the howls had he opted for plan C and hung it out over the side as a compromise so he could still see what was happening? :p
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