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SMG Design Trimaran NINJA moulds for sale

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Donthinkinabox, May 18, 2015.

  1. Donthinkinabox
    Joined: May 2015
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    Donthinkinabox New Member

    As I offered the SMG 50 moulds (see below) now I want to sell our little Trimaran NINJA moulds too. look at first at the movie.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox_mPc_A7xE

    For sale is the full production set for NINJA trimarans and NINJA tacking proas inclusive moulds, jigs and tools for exact fitting of parts like hulls, beams etc.

    All moulds have been taken of from CNC milled plugs and were made of Vinylester resin and mould Gelcoat. All important moulds include one laminated product inside to protect the surface during storage and transport period.
    Further included in the package are metal tools for e.g. drop-forging special bent washers for the beam connections and many more helpful tools for the production.

    The package includes:
    • A new NINJA SPIDER R (white/orange – see video ”Ninja Spider sailing”) complete incl. launching trolly - ideal for expos as demo boat etc.
    A used NINJA SPIDER (Red with offwhite deck) complete incl trailer and PROA upgrade set. Ideal as a demo boat on lakes ect.
    • Further included in the package are the moulds for the clever transport box. The idea to use the box for transport didn’t work out yet as the box became to heavy. It still offers great storage support and the transport idea can still get developed further as clients are interested in it!
    • Additionally with the package you’ll get extra trampolines and genaker and left overs of decks hardware. A list is available on request.
    • All “Solid Works” drawings of all single parts and items of the boat, the trolley, the box etc. and all the information how to produce it.
    • And (very helpful!) all the experience of the designer Gerhard Schein, which he is happy to share and make available as fas as possible.
    • Marketing clothing designs and logo and goodie designs.
    • All rights in connection with design, production and distribution of the product.
    Material costs to build a NINJA SPIDER were in 2012 apx. ZAR 39.000,-.
    Working hours to build the trimiaran was determined with 250 hours (not optimized).
    Selling price of a NINJA SPIDER was apx. EUR 10.000,- incl. VAT. in Europe

    The price for the full NINJA production project is 30.000,-USD/Euro netto ex Cape Town.
    To you information, the total expenses of the design development, building of the prototypes, moulds, tools and the 2 NINJAs coming with the package were more than EUR 80.000,-

    Transport of the NINJA production project incl. 2 boats, trailer, launching trolley, all moulds and helpful production tools can be easily organized in a 20ft container.

    Attached Files:

  2. Wes Jersey
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    Wes Jersey New Member

  3. Wes Jersey
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    Wes Jersey New Member

    Apologies if I missed where this was updated, but, on the off chance no one took up this offer, if the these molds are still for sale, I am interested.
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