Sleeping pod micro boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Quidnic, Jul 25, 2022.

  1. Quidnic
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    Quidnic Junior Member

    I need a sleeping pod that I can put in the back of my truck, placed on the ground or placed in any vacant building. It needs to be at least six feet long. I would prefer about six feet six inches. It has to float and be able to be paddled or sailed.

    Just about anything that I could build out of plywood, not too heavy by the time it is fully loaded with sleeping stuff.

    Matts Laydens smallest craft with chine runners that could have removable wheels is the sort of sleeping pod I’m after.

    has there ever been any other designs like this?

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  2. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    I'm gonna make a one man microboat/car roof box w/Shapple icesled

    Too bad this sled isn't about another 18" longer or it could also serve as "sleeper". Figure currently at 66" but has lips on gunnels and and curved angled bow. But....looks like its fully straight for a few feet between the bow and stern and also fully stack-able and at $129 apiece I might just buy two and cut them and join them to make a longer one, using some of the cut section to splice the two. Probably involve a bunch of pop-rivets and Sikaflex or other glue, and if it wants a few sticks of wood for additional re-enforcement on interior or exterior that wouldn't be a deal breaker and would become a handing mounting point for oar-locks and wheel axles. Yeah, I was thinking of adding some wheels to make a handy XXXL bin for use around construction sites or great outdoors in general, and because it only "snows" about 1/2" about every 20yrs here in SF Bay Area. Not sure what type of wheels/tires/axle arrangement. Default would be straight 5/8" axles riding on sleds optional rub strakes and garden cart wheels.

    I do like your overall concept and I'm amazed such a craft isn't a staple DIY design from Popular Mechanics etc since the dawn of the pickup truck.

    On completely different note but sorta addressing the same issue, how about a do-it-all inflatable survival lifeboat-tent-airmattress-solar still unit? I would be an air-mattress with integrated inflatable (insulated) tent with built in solar still and desert dew collector thingy. Like inflatable life boats I guess it would have some ballast bags for safety in rough water but also to collect urine or other undrinkable water source to process with solar still. Give it lite NBC-warfare capability such as positive-pressure from either internal scuba tank or external hose.
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  3. Robert Biegler
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    Robert Biegler Senior Member

    At that length, I think you really need a barge hull. Something like the Puddle Duck Racer (Puddle Duck Racer - Easiest Sailboat to Build and Race, only shortened or scaled down. There are versions with cabins. For your purposes, an enclosed boat with a hatch to stick your head or body out would probably be better. Put a steel strip on each side next to the chine, so that you don't scratch up the bottom on the building sites, carry four wedges if you don't want to rock on hard, flat ground.
  4. kapnD
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  5. skyl4rk
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    skyl4rk Junior Member

    Look up "Gorfnik". It is a 4' x 8' puddle duck racer design with a hatch and small cabin. Plenty of room inside to sleep, with an 8' x 4' base. You could make the cabin area more simply than in the plans.
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  6. rnlock
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  7. Silvertooth
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    Silvertooth Senior Member

    I’m after a way to make this into an amphibious micro cruiser. Two wheelie bins and make into a trike that will also be a peddle boat.

    Im going to silicone the two wheelie bins together cutting the tops off them.

    then want to have the rear wheel steering on land and be the rudder when in water.

    I was thinking of having the two mid wheels hand operated or foot.

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  8. gonzo
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  9. Silvertooth
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    Silvertooth Senior Member

    Thanks Gonzo but I want to take mine in the cycle lanes on roads
  10. rberrey
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    rberrey Senior Member

    A nesting dingy built out to 12 or 13 feet . When you break it in two you can rig the bow to be the top of the pod , might need to add some kind of tarp . If sleeping on it when it is in the water just bring a small tent .
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  11. Silvertooth
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    Silvertooth Senior Member

    Yes that’s a great idea, but not able to use cycle lanes
  12. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Have you ever slept in a confined space, especially in a very humid environment?
    I think you’ll find that it’s not possible to even keep a dry blanket in such a boat as you’re suggesting.
    It’s not going to be seaworthy at 6’6”, the smallest chop or wake will surely be uncomfortable and wet.
    A kayak paddle is the easy solution to propulsion, and Perhaps you could adapt some wheelchair parts to make it amphibian.
    How about a fiberglass bathtub?
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  13. Silvertooth
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    Silvertooth Senior Member

    Yes I’m going to line it with insulation

    Also will run a small dehumidifier in there
  14. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What are the maximum dimensions to use on cycle lanes?

  15. Silvertooth
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    Silvertooth Senior Member

    I think 3 foot wide

    these are allowed and these are three foot wide

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