Side a work for a Professional Engineer

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Stumble, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Stumble
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Stumble Senior Member

    We are considering having a PE do some analysis of some of our parts to determin minimum breaking strength. In order to do this I am curious if there is anyone that is a US certified professional engineer that would be interested in doing this work, and signing off on predicted breaking strength for a number of our titanium parts.

    Products would come in electronic form, either SolidWorks, or AutoCad file formats, including all dimensions, and would be provided alloy type or types.

    As an example, we make a number of titanium screw shackles and would like to know an expected breaking strength of them, so they can be compared to similar stainless steel shackles on the market.
  2. CgarciaDesign
    Joined: Dec 2004
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    CgarciaDesign Junior Member


    I have access to said program for analysis, send me a pm maybe I can help.


  3. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Just go to any independent test house. Ones that perform testing for Classification verification etc. such as welding bend tests and the like. I am sure there are many in the US.
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