Shunting a proa, Balkan style...

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by rael dobkins, Aug 10, 2024.

  1. thepelell
    Joined: Oct 2019
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    thepelell Junior Member

    ok great, I missed the name change. Glad it's sailing. Did you transport it on the roof of the Bentley ? :)

  2. rael dobkins
    Joined: Jul 2015
    Posts: 182
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    Location: Bulgaria

    rael dobkins Dreams come True, But only to Dreamers...

    Ha Ha, so you know who drives Balkan Shipyards....
    No way! This is a heavy canoe, dry weight over half a ton!

    My bud transported her on a 4 meter trailer, I drove behind him with "Make O'Break" on top of the Bentley.
    A long night drive, brought us to the coast... There it was, a new day was born, a red ball flying to the east....
    We slide down the road, a barrier a head, the guard steps out of his hut, his sleepy eyes open wide......

    Balkan Shipyards has arrived, yet this time, with the whole fleet!!!
    A friend, "yo, what's with u bro?" he shouts as he presses the button that slowly lifts the barrier.
    We drive in, the Bentley himself leads the way, behind an Iveco van towing a trailer with a dream onboard...

    I park and go to shake a friends hand... he's good mi 2....
    I come back to the Bentley, I sit, lay back and fall asleep.

    Mission completed, we made it.
    Port of Tsarevo, The fleet has arrived!

    keep Shunting,
    Balkan Shipyards
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