Ship Design Software for Structural Design

Discussion in 'Software' started by marufuddin0, Mar 6, 2022.


Which software do you use for 3D structural ship design?

  1. Rhinoceros

  2. Ship Constructor

  3. Aveva

  4. Autodesk Inventor

  5. Maxsurf

  6. NAPA

  7. AutoCAD

  8. Solidworks

  9. Others

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  1. marufuddin0
    Joined: Feb 2016
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    marufuddin0 Naval Architect

    I am very much interested in knowing:
    1. Do you make the 2D structural drawing first before making the 3D Structural Ship Design?
    2. Which software do you use for 3D structural ship design?
    3. Which software do you use for the 2D drawing/ production drawing to submit in the class?
    4. If you have a 3D structural drawing of a vessel, which software/ approach can give you the 2D drawings of Transverse, Longitudinal, Deck views?

    I will be glad to know your workflow of using software in different phases of the design.
  2. ebichiken
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    ebichiken Junior Member

    1. Normally we create 2d drawing first before start making 3d drawing, because the 2d drawing should be submit to class first to get approval before start making the 3d and production drawing.
    2. cadmatic, tribon & shipconstructor
    3. autocad
    4. cadmatic, tribon & shipconstructor
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  3. marufuddin0
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    marufuddin0 Naval Architect

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I find bringing major changes in 2D drawings is really time-consuming, keeping the consistency between different layout drawings. Especially, labeling all dimensions for class submission is really tiresome.

    AVEVA and Tribon are the same, aren't they? Cadmatic, Ship Constructor, Tribon are costly software.
  4. ebichiken
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    ebichiken Junior Member

    As my experience draw the 2D drawing for submit to class approval its rarely have a major comment, just read and studying the class rules first and i can guaranteed only minor comment will come from class plan approval.

    Yes AVEVA already acquired Tribon and right now they call the software AVEVA MARINE
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  5. marufuddin0
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    marufuddin0 Naval Architect

    Yes you are right, Class doesn't give many comments. But before the submission of the class if some room arrangements require changes, that take much rework. Okay, if you create the 2D production drawing first, why do you make the 3D drawing?

  6. ebichiken
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    ebichiken Junior Member

    Hull engineers or naval architect they create 2d drawing to class submitted and some time also for owner approval, after class and owner don't have any comment or only minor comment they start to develop the 3D drawing, as we all know 2D drawing send to class is only basic design like GA, midship, profile const, shell expan. etc. that drawing not to detail so we create the 3D modeling/drawing and split to several block (our method to build ship use block construction method) from the 3D model we can create the nesting plan, weight estimate/lifting plan, assembly drawing, this drawing we call production drawing and also list of material etc. So basically we create the 3D drawing to make drawing with more detail and information so we can reduce mistake installation on ship. Correct me if i am wrong because there will be many method to develop a design.
    marufuddin0 likes this.
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