Sheathed strip construction vs. aluminum

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Vineet, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. Vineet
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    Vineet Junior Member

    I am researching these two building methods from the standpoint of durability, longevity, cost of ownership over time and eventual resale value. I am quite aware of corrosion issues associated with aluminum and I am also aware that with proper attention aluminum corrosion can be prevented. With sheathed strip construction I am concerned with moisture getting to the wood and creating problems that can't be detected until difficult repairs will become necessary. I also understand that wood hulls, sheathed or traditionally built, don't hold their value well and can have issues with getting adequate insurance.
    The designs I am considering are full keel, displacement hulls 22-30ft in length.
    I am looking for information and advice about these building methods that any of you have gained through experience with the consideration I've mentioned above.
    Here is an example of a design that can be built in either sheathed strip or aluminum. Thoughts?
    Silver Penny 25
  2. Kayakmarathon
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    Kayakmarathon Senior Member

    For durability, longevity, and cost of ownership I prefer a composite (fiberglass and resin) hull. Use a clear coat instead of gel coat because gel coat blisters. Kevlar will lose its golden color very quickly from sun exposure, and when the fibers poke through the resin, grab at the water. Carbon fiber is expensive and can reach surface temperatures of more than as scorching 130 degF in direct sunlight. If you are concerned about a boat's resale value then you should not buy that boat.
  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    If you are building, unless you can do the aluminum work, here in the US at least, welders get about $100/hr. So, that labor is costly and so are the materials. Faster build; not cheap.

    If you can glue and use fiberglass, an epoxy composite strip boat is a solid way to go. The boat will not be as susceptible to condensation and corrosion will be limited to fittings.

    I wouldn't even consider aluminum here. But I really like it for shallow water fishing skiffs.
  4. Vineet
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    Vineet Junior Member

    I would be doing the welding myself. I am more curious to know the reasons you wouldn't even consider aluminum here. I'm trying to learn as much as I can so the more information you're willing to offer is a great help. Also, I wasn't aware that a strip sheathed hull is less susceptible to condensation than aluminum. Is it the temperature conductivity of the aluminum or the greater temperature difference between the inside and outside of the hull in the aluminum hull? Would insulating the hull and cabin undersides take care of the condensation issue?
  5. Vineet
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    Vineet Junior Member

    one off composite construction on a hull anywhere near this size seems like a real pain to do right for a home builder or even a small shop with limited production. Give me a plug form to work with and I'll take it but laying up and fairing a one off grp sounds like a bad medical procedure. I'm here to learn as much as possible. I really value the info folks offer here. What do you see in the details of the design that would make it a difficult resale?

  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Aluminium is noisy, maybe factor is how good of a sleeper you and intended companions are.
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