Service 1991 Johnson 60 HP that has been sitting

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by Catfish Howard, Nov 7, 2021.

  1. Catfish Howard
    Joined: Nov 2021
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    Catfish Howard Junior Member

    I've only had this motor worked on by a mechanic once in the 6 years I've own it and they told me I had water in the gas. After getting it back 2 trips later the motor just wouldn't start and that was 2 years ago. I just move to the Panama City Fl area and will have this motor in salt water so I would like to go over everything and service the motor. As well as fix the fuel and spark problems.

    I have gas leaking from the top vent opening on one of my carbs so I plan on buying carb kits and cleaning them.

    I also checked the spark plugs and I'm not getting any spark from any of the three plugs. I found a power pack for a hundred bucks so I just took a shot in the dark and ordered it, I'll have it in a couple days. I was wanting to check everything with a meter but I have no idea what the wires should be reading. If I found a repair manual would it actually tell me what each wire output should read and how to troubleshoot to find the electrical issue if the power pack doesn't work? Starter has been hit and miss so I ordered a new starter and solenoid.

    What other things should I check or service since it's way overdue? If the power pack doesn’t fix the spark what would be the next thing to test or replace?

    I just bought the following:
    Starter Battery
    Power pack
    Gas tank
    Fuel line
    Fuel in-line filter
    Carb kits
    Lower gear oil / drain plug o-rings / check for metal in oil

    Should I get a kit for the primer solenoid and clean the hoses? Water was spitting out pretty good as I remember (should I buy a water pump kit anyway?). The spark plugs look good from what I can tell.
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  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    As long as you are kitting the carb, maybe hit the LU with some black paint.
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  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    One thing I like to do is try to start in the dark, cuz sometimes you get a light show and can really get an idea where issues exist.
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  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    It certainly will, it is the first thing to do, get a workshop manual. Otherwise you face a wall of frustration. The first thing I would do is check if the compression is within bounds, you only need a motor that cranks to do that, but you also need to ensure the ignition system is disabled before doing that, and the procedure there is outlined in the manual. Or before that, pull the spark plug leads off the plugs and turn the flywheel with your hands, you should get three distinct resistance points that are about equal, with each revolution. If not, there could be an internal problem that may not be easily fixed.
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  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That is a FICHT motor. It is better to manually mix the oil and gas. Unless you upgrade to a new computer (Bombardier) the engine will sooner or later fail. Those engines are what bankrupted Johnson/Evinrude. Does the engine turn by hand?
  6. Catfish Howard
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    Catfish Howard Junior Member

    It turns over good, just not getting spark to the plugs.. The carburetors were completely clogged I'll have them back together this week. Once I get the gas situated working I'll troubleshoot the spark.
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I need to correct my comment. That is not a FICHT motor. When the oil injection system was having problems, many people removed it and mixes the oil/gas in the tank. It works OK but uses more oil.
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  8. Catfish Howard
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    Catfish Howard Junior Member

    The previous owner did bypass the oil system. It still has the oil / fuel pump on it but they capped off the oil. I bought a new fuel pump without the oil mixer in it I thought about changing it out but I might just keep it in the boat in case I have problems I can change it in on the water.
  9. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    Is this relevant to your project?
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  10. Catfish Howard
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    Catfish Howard Junior Member

    Yes, just like mine. I seen this video and bought a fuel pump but I think I'll just run the dual until it goes bad.
  11. Catfish Howard
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    Catfish Howard Junior Member

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
  12. Catfish Howard
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    Catfish Howard Junior Member

    I just noticed my primer valve is not clicking when I push the key in? It was clicking when I did the first start but now not clicking? I wonder if it's open and the choke is on? I'll look at that first thing tomorrow I get a chance.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
  13. Catfish Howard
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    Catfish Howard Junior Member

    I fixed it, I had the linkage knob in the wrong receiving hole; should have been where the black receiver is.
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  14. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Thanks @Catfish Howard . The forum is full of threads where we never find out what was wrong, and if the op fixed it.
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  15. boatbuilder41
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    boatbuilder41 Senior Member

    If you have any more future problems with it and need NY help.. just let me know.. I am a certified marine mechanic in p.c. FL. I should have any parts available for that motor on hand if needed...
    Brian Barfield
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