Secena 14 foot Pacific Dory

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by Wbflyer, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. Wbflyer
    Joined: Nov 2014
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    Wbflyer New Member


    I am just finishing up my simply ply 11 foot kayak and looking to build this dory by Spira. I bought the plans but having a heck of a time trying to decipher what they are trying to tell me. Does any one have any experience building this boat?

    Is there a guide specific to this boat? Thanks!
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It looks like a heavily built power skiff. What problems do you have with the plans?
  3. Wbflyer
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    Wbflyer New Member

    Thanks for the reply, I can't really tell how to setup the rids on the strong back. How to you secure them and do you need to fair the ribs to accommodate the ply sides?
  4. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    Go to the Glen-L boat site and click on outboards. there you will see all their dory's and note the names, then go to customer photos and see all the build pics. This may help you understand the plans you have.

  5. Wbflyer
    Joined: Nov 2014
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    Wbflyer New Member

    Perfect, thanks! Mine is from Spira International but I would assume most dory's are build in the same manner
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