Searching for a Designer for Convert a Pointcloud to a 3D printable Object

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Socco, May 10, 2021.

  1. Socco
    Joined: May 2021
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    Socco New Member

    i am looking for someone who can rebuild the point cloud of my boat into a 3d printable file.
    i'm a 3d newbie and so have my problems with converting the point cloud into a 3d object.

    I have a point cloud (E57) of our ship (Menorquin 160 Fly - 16m) and now want to convert it myself into a 3D model.
    I want recreate a model ship on a scale of 1:20 or print the hull and deck with a 3D printer.

    I have a point cloud from 35 scans as an e57 with all disturbances (outside and cabins).
    Then I have also a cleaned point cloud, in which many individual parts have already been taken apart and can be edited individually as a bin file (created with Cloudcompare)
    I tried to mesh these parts, but this is not so easy as many errors still here. now i was looking for a way to 'trace' this point cloud. here I stand in line.

    I imagine having individual parts for printing:
    -cabins (botton with walls, bed)
    individual parts like
    tender, reling, crane etc.

    If someone have interested, I can also send you the files. Original photos can also be made available or made individually.

    if someone is interested to implement my project please pm for more information.
    a picture from the boat:
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Do you know that this a huge work?
    Probanly it is better, and much cheaper, to start with the traditional body lines plan. Have you got it?
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  3. Socco
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    Socco New Member

    No, unfortunately not. the shipyard went bankrupt for a few years. there are no more plans.
    I've tried a lot myself. I know this is not a weekend job. But since I can't draw 3d it is difficult for me to estimate how long a practiced constructor has to do this. Neither should it be free work.

    Maybe someone can also recommend a link to a good tutorial which shows the problem or approach from point cloud to Printable File. Most of the tutorials convert houses from point clouds to 2D CAD. I haven't found a good tutorial on how to convert a hull shape as a point cloud. I think whit Rhino this must be work. But for a newbie it's too hard without an easy tutorial.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    It is necessary to have special software to, first, eliminate erroneous or redundant points, and then create the surfaces that make up each object. It is expensive software that requires highly specialized personnel. There are various companies that are dedicated to it.
    But I, if I were in your place, would not stop looking for drawings in the various internet forums. It is a very popular boat, at least in the Spanish Mediterranean coast.
  5. tonipu
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    tonipu Senior Member

    Can you put file here so i can try; I 3d printed my model for my new boat; I can try in few software
  6. Socco
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    Socco New Member

  7. Dejay
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

    Have you tried open source meshlab? MeshLab

    You'd probably cut the boat into groups / pieces first so you can apply different mesh smoothing operations and filters to different parts. Like the handrail and rods vs the main hull.
  8. Socco
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    Socco New Member

    I have already try to convert the common parts to mesh whit cloudcompare and then processed in meshlab. but this did not work out so well. and the pure point cloud cannot be imported into meshlab.

    Now i would like to try to convert the pointcloud in a 'nurbs' or 'sub d' form. sorry i'm not shure if unterstand this correct but i have found a link in youtube :

    that explain the create a nurbs surface on a pointcloud whit rhino. i have tried this with the evaluationversion of rhino but i canot design curves on my pointcloud...

  9. Dejay
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

    That is a pretty neat function. You'd probably have to ask in their forum for help getting it to work.
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