seakeeping analysis (RAO)

Discussion in 'Software' started by fazrin azwan, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. fazrin azwan
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    fazrin azwan New Member

    i've done seakeeping analysis by using Maxsurf Seakeeper.
    my analysis is comparing the RAO for heave and pitch motion on different wave height.
    however, the results obtained is a same graph of heave and pitch for all wave height.
    is it true?
    if not, what is it that i'm possibly wrong?

    really need help.

    thank you.
  2. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) are non-demsionalized factors and are assumed to be linear. They are constant for all wave heights (amplitudes really) of a given period.


    heave response amplitude (ft or m) = wave amplitude (ft or m) * RAO


    pitch response amplitude (rad) = wave amplitude (ft or m)/characteristic length (ft or m) * RAO
  3. fazrin azwan
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    fazrin azwan New Member

    thank you sir.
    really appreciated that.
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