Sea ray 440 aft hull extension, with prop pockets, will it work?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Mattis Maurin, Jun 15, 2019.

  1. Mattis Maurin
    Joined: Jun 2019
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    Mattis Maurin Junior Member

    I have done this hull extension on my Sea ray 440, i dident have full power before, 2200 rpm, shuld be 2800, will sens the injektion pumps on remake.
    I am not going in plane now .
    Will the hull extension help or brake the speed?

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  2. BlueBell
    Joined: May 2017
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    You tell us, you've got the boat and the modification.
    You've gone to a lot of work, I hope it now planes.

    The real question is: "Why didn't it plane?"
    Is it the wrong propeller, or poor loading, overloading, marine growth on the hull, bad gas, poor engine performance, fuel starvation, throttle cable needing adjustment?
    Why did you jump in and extend the hull, later asking if this will help?
  3. Mattis Maurin
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    Mattis Maurin Junior Member

    I have just put the boat in the Sea, so the hull is clean, the injektionpumps goes to full, cheked with lamp on the pump, fuelpresiure is good and the fuel is new, the hoses ar also new.
    The propps are original 24x29 new balansed and fixed, the turbo presiure is 0,7 bar at full load 2200 rpm and ni black smoke at all on both engines.
    I have also put on a zipwake system. On a normal hull this vold be good but now i am a little worried if there is a problem.
  4. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    So, why won't it plane?
  5. Mattis Maurin
    Joined: Jun 2019
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    Mattis Maurin Junior Member

    Hopefully it is in the injektionpumps, and maby one pitch down on the props after that.
    IF that fint do it i have to take the hull extension off under the bathplatform on startordningen and port.

  6. Skua
    Joined: Apr 2013
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    Skua Senior Member

    Not knowing what engine you have , I would still say you have low boost out of the turbos. .7 bar seems low, and the black smoke indicates, a very rich exhaust, either too much fuel or not enough air.
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