Sea Ray 16xr Blown Engine

Discussion in 'Jet Drives' started by Bigcheeze, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Bigcheeze
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    Bigcheeze New Member

    Anybody have a source or idea on replacing a blown engine on our Sea Ray 16ft xr 175 Merc Jet Boat.

    Or cut losses and get a different used one and sell the current hull and trailer?

  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    Most engines can be fixed, rebuilt or have short and long blocks available, for component replacement. Which engine do you have? Do you want a crate engine or can you preform the work (engine and component swap) yourself?
  3. Bigcheeze
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    Bigcheeze New Member

    Ty for your reply. We have the 175HP Merc XR@ Sport Jet. One of the cylinders had complete failure with a hole blown through it. We could do the work ourselfs( or have a mechanic that could here in Michigan)


  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You should be able to get a rebuilt engine from Jasper. If there are no dealers in your area, I can arrange to have it shipped to you. Look for the model and serial number on the block to make sure you get the correct replacement.

  5. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Dave what is the engine? Is it an Optimax or a Black Max powerhead dropped on a jet? In either case there are several remanufactures and suppliers of short and long block assemblies.
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