Scantlings for midship of a container vessel

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by ajingk, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. ajingk
    Joined: Sep 2014
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    ajingk New Member

    As a part of my design project I want the scantlings of midship section of a container vessel like Emma Maersk. A drawing also of the same will be really helpful.Please anyone help me....

  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    This seems to be the thread of large requests. So here goes mine:
    Could anyone get to touch me the lottery?
    Once the joke, and seriously, Ajin, guess what is intended in your career is that you learn to design a boat. I hope he does not intend to get you to learn to copy from internet the information for designing a boat.
    By the way you're going, I do not think you're going to learn anything good.
  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Funny how life is full of disappointments. I want students to be proactive and think for themselves and go to a library and find journals and books that show such information. Sadly in the instant world of click cut-n-paste such is wishful thinking these days :(

    What would be rally inspiring would be for a student to start a thread with hey...this is how I found information that I need. Rather than just type a one liner requesting others to give (me) the answer that one should actually be researching to gain an understanding of the subject matter at hand!

    However, any student that is worth their salt, would know how to do this anyway...

    As PAR notes, it's that "time of the month" again :eek:
  4. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Hi ajingk. As you can tell, this forum gets a lot of requests like yours. Ad Hoc's comment about a one liner request is very much to the point. If you would take some time to introduce yourself and explain the project you are working on, then you might get some better responses. We would like to know that we aren't just spoon-feeding you the answers to homework. And there are some seriously talented people here worth getting to know. I hope you stick around and get the hang of this forum's personality. But there are a lot of students who make requests like yours and just disappear and are never heard from again.
  5. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    Oops! Sorry, had to break it to see the midship section.:cool:

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  6. ajingk
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    ajingk New Member

    Thanks for the insightful replies. I was not hoping to get anything that I shall simply copy and paste. I realize what it takes to come up with a design meeting the ends. It is not that I didn't do any work at all. We had to go through Classification Society Rules ( DNV and ABS) and many calculations and unknown parameters were out my scope. I did found out some plate thicknesses and all but many other things had to be assumed appropriately. All I was asking for was something to refer, for I am doing this stuff for the first time in my life. I need to get an idea of what these values would look like inorder to make sensible approximations. I didn't ask for the exact midship section of my chosen vessel, I just asked for any container vessel which I can refer.
  7. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect


    Part of being a naval architect is learning how to be clear concise and how to communicate. If you are not able to be clear and/or communicate your ideas or wants/needs in either words or drawings then you will not archive the desired outcome.

    Asking...I want scantlings of....says only one thing, hence the replies you received.

    The onus is on you to provide what you currently have to ascertain whether you will be successful in getting the information you want.

    Learning how to design is only half the picture. Communication is terribly important for a naval architect, far more than just pressing buttons and getting a pretty picture!

  8. rxcomposite
    Joined: Jan 2005
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    I had the midship image of the maerks but decided not to post it. How hard would it be to google the images? Why even the GA and Lines plan including dimensions of Emma Maerks is on google.

    One look at the midship section and you will be able to see how the sections are divided into squares and rectangles. Scale that to published dimensions and you will be able to gauge the scantlings.

    Speaking of class rules, that makes it easier. With a little brow sweat, you will be able to check if the minimum plate thickness supported by the scaled frames will support the design pressure.

    One way to get yourself out of this difficult situation is (meaning to lose your job faster than you can say this....) is to tell your boss...." here is the midship section of the Emma Maersk. I copied it from the internet."

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