Sailboat concessionária to motor boat

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by genhocas, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. genhocas
    Joined: Aug 2016
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    Location: faro

    genhocas New Member

    Good day to all. sorry for my inglês it is very bad.
    O have a newbridge navigator junk rig bidge keel.
    O have a problem with the sail and mast.
    I bought that boat last year because i need more space for the kids.
    And the sailboat is bigger then the other .
    But here in my waters i will not sail.
    It is in ria formosa faro Portugal it is sal water but inside dont have waves or the only wave that are here is when another boat pass near.
    I will like to take out the mast and all the sail material.
    But i have another problem here the tides are very good . And very low só can i take out the keels or cut of some part off.
    Thanks for all.
    I have a Mercury 9.9 the boat is normaly to pass the weekend fish not to go around in speed.
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Could you post some photos and information on the boat model and dimensions? That will make it easy to help you.
  3. genhocas
    Joined: Aug 2016
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    genhocas New Member

    The boat have 5.9 mt 20 ft

    Newbridge navigator bildge keel. Junk rig.
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