Sailboat Capsizes near Bermuda, People feared Dead!

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by oceancruiser, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

  2. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    The situation in the Mediterranean is very bad..thousands. die every year.

    In the southern Ionian I have sailed thru long floating lines of suitcases, teddy bears, shipwreck debris........very sad

    Some people have so much, some people have so little.
  3. Grey Ghost
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  4. Grey Ghost
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  5. DCockey
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    DCockey Senior Member

    Near the Bahamas, not Bermuda.
  6. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Thanks for that.

    Did you lodge a complaint.

    Do the authorities do anything about these incidents.

    Have you heard, seen or know whether the Captains are charged with failing their responsibilities and jailed.

  7. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member


    Do you also know if the Captain and crew are charged for failing their responsibilities.

    The problem is I supposed is that any private vessel can leave US waters with no clearance papers or inspection, unless it has changed recently.

    I know in certain areas the customs and immigration regularly state they are sick and tired of US vessel arriving with no clearance documents from their departing US Ports.

    Hence no life jackets or survival equipment.

    incredible people would get on and travel in such away, not checking the water situation for survival or food, let alone having bathroom privacy. I suppose a bucket and in front of every body passing comments. Probably no hand washing either.

  8. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    No hand washing facilities? Are you serious?

    Was it painful pulling the US vessel statements out of your butt? You might need to STFU until you have a better idea of what the facts might be.

  9. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    "Dozens of Haitians have died in a desperate attempt to reach the Bahamas, after their crowded 40-foot sloop capsized, deployed from Florida. Coast Guard crews scrambled to work with Bahamian forces to rescue more than 100 survivors Tuesday. The Coast Guard says the craft ran aground in the Bahamas' Exuma Cays."

    The US Statements are Fact. They where quoted to me personally by Customs and Immigration.

    Answer do private US vessels sailing from the US need clearance papers before departing US Waters.

  10. DCockey
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    DCockey Senior Member

    What do clearance requirements for boat leaving US ports have to do with an overloaded boat with Haitians on a voyage to the Bahamas?

    You mis-quoted the article and fundamentally changed the meaning by moving the phrase "deployed from Florida" from the beginning of the second sentence to the end of the first sentence. The US Coast Guard vessel was deployed from Florida, not the boat with the Haitians.

    The correct quote from the article (direct cut and paste) is:

    Dozens of Haitians have died in a desperate attempt to reach the Bahamas, after their crowded 40-foot sloop capsized. Deployed from Florida, Coast Guard crews scrambled to work with Bahamian forces to rescue more than 100 survivors Tuesday. The Coast Guard says the craft ran aground in the Bahamas' Exuma Cays.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
  11. Grey Ghost
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    Grey Ghost Senior Member

    Sure you don't have your punctuation wrong? NRP says the coast guard deployed from Florida...

    Notice the punctuation difference of the NPR story: "Dozens of Haitians have died in a desperate attempt to reach the Bahamas, after their crowded 40-foot sloop capsized. Deployed from Florida, Coast Guard crews scrambled to work with Bahamian forces to rescue more than 100 survivors Tuesday. The Coast Guard says the craft ran aground in the Bahamas' Exuma Cays."
  12. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Locally , Since the problem overwhelms national SAR authorities , NATO operation active endeavor is in place. Dozens of warships and aircraft patrol the North African coast to interrupt bad guys and assist migrants.

    When i am on passage thru the region i am frequenlty contacted and identified. The standard NATO query requests me to report any suspicious sightings to NATO headquarters Italy.
    The overall situation is very complex. If I pick up a boatload of refugees they may claim political asylum in my flag state...local authorities may prohibit these refugees from disembarking at the closest port to rescue in insist that my flag state deal with the issue.

    Many sad stories of refugees in distress but ships unwilling to respond because of this problems

    A recent tragedy

    The recommendation for yacthsman is to never render assistance unless directed to by the Coast Guard.
  13. daiquiri
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    Frankly, these comments are totally disconnected from the reality. Looks like you live in some happy fancy world of Walt Disney and not in the real world - made of famine, poverty, oppression and people ready to take any risk in search of a better life for them and their starved children. Hand washing and having their own bathroom with a shower during the passage is the least of their problems.
  14. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    It's been shown where the punctuation was changed to turn the "facts" 180 degrees.

    Now I'm wondering about the validity of Customs and Immigration talking to you personally about the event. Which country's C & I? Why would they repeat orally a newscast from NPR? Or do you consider everything you hear on the radio as a personal message to you?

    No, we don't need clearance papers to leave the country. I see New Zealand won't let it's citizens leave their own country without clearance papers, probably the same as Communist Cuba, Russia, China and North Korea.

    Of course, when you're smuggling human beings out of one country into another, many times collecting all their money and then just pushing them overboard before arrival, I imagine the factual quote would be "Papers? We don't need no steenking papers!"

  15. DCockey
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    DCockey Senior Member

    NPR didn't say anything about requirements for boats leaving the US.
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