rudder housing to trunk filler

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Castle, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. Castle
    Joined: Dec 2011
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    Castle New Member

    I have a Tenant Chevron. The daggerboard broke off and struck the rudder housing. I have been trying to figure out how to make a new one. I still have the other one.

    What would be a good filler between the outer fiberglass housing and the inner trunk? I thought high density pour foam might work, but I have reservations about it absorbing water. I read somewhere about epoxy and styrofoam beads but that seems like a lot of epoxy. Wood maybe?

  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Post some photos, so we can understand the nature of your repairs.
  3. Steve W
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Are you talking about building a new daggerboard or rudder housing? its not clear to me from your post.
  4. jamez
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    jamez Senior Member

    Amateur built chevrons use GBE foils. I can send you details from the GBE plans if you need them. If your Chevron is one of the production fibreglass ones the molds are in New Zealand. At one point the owner was interested in moulding and selling hulls/boats, he might possibly be interested in making you a board. Email or PM me and I'll send you an email addy for him.

    Otherwise assuming the cases are elliptical, originally shaped around the boards like most Tennants the new board will have to be identical to the old in size/shape to fit properly.

    Does the undamaged board fit both cases? If so you could use it to make a female mould (you only need one half) and lay up a new glass board or take some stations off it and use these to router or carve a new board blank out of wood and glass over.

    Alternatively, assuming the equipment is available at your loc, might be to get a foam blank cnc machined slightly undersize from the other board, route a groove down the middle add carbon or glass uni's for longitudinal strength and glass over the lot.
  5. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    If the moulds you are talking of for the Chevron in NZ are the ones to the one that is on the water at Lake Hood in Ashburton it is not a true Chevron apparently it is a modified GBE moulds were made from a modified GBE a Local chap did, a better boat than the Chevron apparently. Just for what it is worth have viewed the boat in above extensively at Lake Hood did not sail as Rig etc needs setting up properly first. Is still on the Lake as was down there a few weeks ago didn't look like it had moved from when I Last viewed it 12 months ago.
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  6. jamez
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    jamez Senior Member

    They sure are completely different boats. The glass version also being wider OA and having a bigger rig as well as the stylistic improvements. In either version the 1.2 wide hull gives a lot of room for a boat that size. According to Malcolm Tennant all the plans for amateur versions were sold overseas. I started trying to find info on the glass version in about 2000. Malcolm had no idea where the moulds were and Cresta Craft, the original builders told me they'd never heard of it :rolleyes:. You will note their original ad shows the amateur version.

    I spent 5 years looking for a glass one in NZ before giving up and buying a Wharram Hinemoa. I wanted a cat around that size (7 x 4 metres) and there wasn't a lot of choice.

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  7. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    JFWIW as stated the Glass Chevron (From Cresta Craft Moulds as in your advertising info) as it sits on Lake Hood Asburton NZ, as stated the glass moulds are available for use but royalties would still have to be paid to the original designer......

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  8. jamez
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    jamez Senior Member

    Many thanks for the pics. :)
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