Rudder and steering arrangement

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by sunny09022, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. sunny09022
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    sunny09022 Junior Member

    I am a student .. and studying about rudder and steering arrangement(hydrolic)..... but i can not realize it... a need a drawing to realize how it works...... please help.
  2. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

  3. sunny09022
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    sunny09022 Junior Member

    i googled ... but sufficient information not found...
  4. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    could you give us a hint as to the application ? What kind of boat, size, material, intened use , ect. ?
  5. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Ship or boat? Direct control or pilot following? There are a lot of ways to implement hydraulic steering.
  6. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    like this?


    just google "hydraulic rudders system" in images, lots to look at.
  7. sunny09022
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    sunny09022 Junior Member

    But i don't found anything about the function or drawing about tiller... as far as i know it the most important thing in swinging rudder
  8. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    A short tiller is used, as shown. There should also be a means of attaching an emergency (longer) tiller in case the hydraulic system fails. What don't you understand?
  9. sunny09022
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    sunny09022 Junior Member

    tiller detail drawing.......
  10. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    The mechanism has been clearly described. What specifically do you not understand? You already have a "tiller detail drawing". Describe exactly what you don't understand. For example, say "How does the tiller attach to the rudder, or, "How do you figure out the mechanical advantage required?", etc..
  11. sunny09022
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    sunny09022 Junior Member

    tiller attachment with rudder as well as its function
  12. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    The tiller attachments function is to attach the tiller to the rudder.
  13. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    I hope you can find someone patient enough to help you but I don't have any idea what you are trying to do. Obviously, the function of each part is shown in the drawing above. You can SEE what is attached to what and why. What you see is the function---- how turning the steering wheel one way or the other will force fluid through either the right or left hydraulic line, and into either the left or the right end of the ram that is attached to the tiller.
    Do you know how rams work?
    What isn't shown is better detail of the wheel parts. No rams are shown but a "helm pump" (see drawing) is actually doing the same thing as the tiller ram but in reverse.
    All you need to know is that fluid is pumped in a different drection depending on which way you steer.

  14. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    This raises the obvious - "if you have to ask" thing, maybe some serious study is in order, as this information is commonly available at many resources.
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