
Discussion in 'Materials' started by davidcarey, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. davidcarey
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    davidcarey Junior Member

    Rubberwood ( Hevea brasiliensis ) . Has anyone any experience of using this wood for say strip planking ( epoxy sheathed , coated inside ) ?
  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Para rubbertree (Hevea brasiliensis) wouldn't be well suited for strip planking, for several reasons. It has all the things you don't want in a strip plank lumber. Some of the high lights are; quite low modulus of elasticity (stiffness), shear strength along the grain is also very low, compressive strength is low, the list goes on.


    In it's favor, it cuts easily and finishes nicely, but you have to seal it quickly or it can develop a staining. It's all but imposable to use a router on, though, so no bead a cove jobs. It's pretty good as a decorative veneer, but not as structural lumber.
  3. davidcarey
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    davidcarey Junior Member

    PAR , thanks for the reply . I was thinking of a small tri dayboat , as a demonstration . Here they do not have different designs , still using the same oruwas and not usually sailing . Last year I tried in vain to get marine ply , suppliers - importers - manufacturers . I had a kitchen cutting board of rubberwood that impressed me with the finish and also the hardness . I also think that as it is not as widely used as maybe it should be price will be lower . It is said to be an ecologically sound wood to use as the lumber is a by-product after rubber production has ended . I have not seen any ply-epoxy boats here for a long time , maybe due to the lack of marine ply in the construction . WRC or marine ply is obviously preferred , but i have to work with what i can get . I have seen though a much larger boat being constructed here with a much lower grade timber , dont think it will see the water though . Have to find an alternative wood .
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