Route du Rhum

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, May 2, 2018.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

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  2. Dolfiman
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    Drheam cup : 3 races event end of July for the La route du Rhum preparation and qualification for those not yet qualified (Drheam 700 : 736 NM single handed), open to all classes inc. Ultims ( but not seen registrations of any of them up to now) :

    The another warm-up event will be Le trophée des Multicoques end of august, I love this gallery of photos on historical multihulls : not only beautiful photos, but if you click on each one you got full info on the boat :
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  3. Dolfiman
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  4. dsigned
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    dsigned O.R.C. Hunter

  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    There is no specific "Rhum Multi"(as far as I know). The Ultim class- 100+' trimarans- are going to race and I think maybe some Multi 50's. I don't know what they mean in the first post when they say "Rhum Mono" or "Rhum Multi"-maybe Dolfiman would know?
  6. Dolfiman
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    There are 6 classes of boats :
    Ultims : defined as multihulls > 60' without length limitations ( so not exactly the Class Ultim definition , limited to 32 m
    Imoca 60 : monohull, according to their class rules
    Multi 50 : according to their class rules
    Class 40 : monohull, according to their class rules
    Rhum mono : length > 39' and not entering any above class
    Rhum multi : 39'< Lenght < 60' and not entering any above class
    These two last classes were created to open the race to both golden oldies and/or open design boats, in line with the original spirit of the Route du Rhum created in 1978, in reaction to Ostar decision to limit the lenght to 54' , itself decision taken after the excess of the Club Mediterranee of Alain Colas ( Lenght 72 m !, second behind Pen Duick 6 in the Ostar 1976). I don't know exactly what is the selection criteria on these two classes, in complement to the mandatory offshore singlehanded ability to prove from the skipper+boat.
    Registrations up to now (click on each class) : 6 Ultims, 24 Imoca, 6 Multi 50, 50 class 40, 17 Rhum mono, 20 Rhum multi
    Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe

    Within Rhum multi : Acapella and Friends & Lovers, Walter Greene designs sister-ships of the 1978 winner Olympus with Mike Birch.
    Acapella Océan - Un Bateau : ACAPELLA
    Within Rhum mono : Kriter V, the mono second in 1978 with Michel Malinovski, just 90s behind Olympus, a famous dramatic final ! , a beautiful mono from Andre Mauric, let's appreciate from this video :
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  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Thank you very much!
  8. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    IDEC SPORT Route du Rhum Preparation:
    2018 Route du Rhum preview: Francis Joyon & IDEC Sport by Launay | Catamaran Racing, News & Design

    Comfort and ease
    While the main part of the work that is being done to prepare the boat for the Route du Rhum involves getting to grips with the new foils added last winter to the IDEC SPORT boat, which already performed exceptionally well and safely, there is now a long list of minor improvements that Francis Joyon would like to see to offer more comfort and ease when sailing his boat single-handedly. “Over the past few weeks we learnt a lot about how to make the most of the foils,” explained Francis Joyon, “understanding the angle to apply depending on wind conditions. We still need to see what happens in stronger winds. There are a lot of tiny details to work on with the crew during the summer before I set off alone.”
    Pleased with the enhanced performance of the boat that has come with the new shape of foil and the T-shaped rudders, Francis is looking ahead to getting the boat in solo mode for the Route du Rhum and preparing her for stronger winds. “I need to sail in winds of twenty knots or more to identify the angles and settings for those conditions. The extra work on the autopilots will be done alongside these studies.”
  9. Dolfiman
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    Kriter V : Loa 21 m B 4,1 m Draft 2,1 m Mast height 23 m D : 18 t Sailing surface upwind 190 m2
    built in 1978 , Architect André Mauric (Kriter is a brand of Champagne)
    … and this video too, with a hint of nostalgia for those days when racing boats were also beautiful ones :
  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Beautiful is right!
  11. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From voilesetvoiliers:
    Le plus ancien Ultim de la flotte

    The oldest Ultim in the fleet

    In early September, the maxi trimaran Use it again that will start the Route du Rhum on November 4 has been released. This 75-foot trimaran built in 2003 by architects Nigel Irens and Benoît Cabaret belonged to Ellen MacArthur. It is with this boat, B & Q / Castorama, that the sailor broke the record around the world alone in 2005 in 71 days, 14 hours, 18 minutes and 33 seconds. Today renamed Use it again by Romain Pillard, the trimaran will be part of the Ultim category on the Route du Rhum, alongside the five fastest trimarans in the world.
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  12. Dolfiman
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  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Videos to compare flight altitude. Best: watch the bottom Gitana video and the bottom Macif video simultaneously-start each and scroll back and forth:

    Gitana 17:



    Last edited: Sep 13, 2018
  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Comparison: Banque Pop and Gitana 17 reefed:

    Banque Pop-


    Gitana 17:

  15. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

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