RORC Fastnet Race 2013

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Interesting stuff ,Corley. Magnus Clarke mentions in an SA post that they tried a hydraulic system to cant the wing on a C Class cat. Didn't like the system much for C Class use. One of the new C Class challengers has a mast canting system.
  2. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Any photos, [Close photos] re mast canting systems and comparisons before and after speeds achieved.

  3. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member

    Lemonchois' mast-canting system described by his PR agency here, it is mostly the same article posted by Corley above, but offhand I think there's some additional details on the rigging of it at Rivacom.

    Video here:

  4. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Thanks is not loading. Video not in english so not much help. I would question how successful it would be. My experience is, if the mast is not plum then when you change tact the boat does not respond to optium on one of the tacts. So how will he get the mast plum for all sailing conditions especialy in gusts or variable winds on the same tact apart from feel and boat speed. Also addition worry re blocks exploding and rigging lines stretching so a mark on the lines will be ever changing. No stretching on hydraulick systems. Will all that give increased times over all?

    Tried to get the sponsors to put a english translation button on the site but said they probably would not do untill the next Route de Rum because of costs. Does anybody know how much Approx the cost is per translation to have different Transation formats on a web site. Like a english website with French, German, Italian, Japo, and Chinese to increase visitors numbers and interest to a particular site. Corley have you investigated the cost for your blog. It could become world renowned if you had foreign translation capability.

  5. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    string driven systems have been done on ORMA60's and Prince de Bretagne maxi is pretty similar in rig size so they should have a lot of previous research as to what works and what doesn't. My understanding is that the canting system is more for use offshore on long tacks where it doesn't have to be regularly adjusted. Performance data is unlikely to be forthcoming but you can get a feel for the benefit by averaging out speed from the log on the tracker over a number of events and doing comparisons before and after. The designers don't even discuss top speeds only average speed.
  6. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member


    I would have thought he would have gone for a taller rig seeing its 20 ft longer first, even though he solos a lot. Just means take a no dooze pill instead off sleeping and auto pilot I suppose.

    No comment re translation costs? Not prepared to comment or are you are still exploring / researching?

  7. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    The blog isn't really a commercial enterprise. Personally, it's been both gratifying and rewarding to have so many multihull designers, boat builders, sailors and manufacturers from within the field contact me with their information and updates. I'm quite humbled that so many people want to drop in regularly for a look at a blog which is quite frankly a hobby.

    On the perspective of translation I think that sufficient information can normally be gleaned from translations of press releases. When I've seen the translations of videos they have rarely yielded much over and above what is said in the press releases. While I would love to have a French speaker who could translate the videos even as a précis I'm not prepared to pay for it being at the core a non commercial blog.

    I'm conscious that the French multihull racing scene is mainly geared towards their domestic market and sponsors but it's interesting to look in and see what they are up to. Some teams like Spindrift Racing provide translations of their press releases others don't luckily google translate and bing do provide the ability to get the gist of most articles even if they sometimes output some strangely psychadelic stuff.
  8. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member


    Exactly right Corley.


    I don't look forward to the day the automatons can tell us exactly what the French are thinking and saying. It's much more fun to bypass the froggy baloney and work a little harder on whatever may have substance.

  9. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  10. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  11. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Some problems with the new mast canting system have led Lionel Lemanchois and crew on Prince de Bretagne maxi to secure the mast in the central (vertical) position.
  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Thanks ,Corley-it was great seeing the big tri's. I can't get over the short squat rigs on a couple of the boats-looks a bit like my test model will with a reefed rig. And the Banque Popular V(Spindrift 131')was canting her mast during the prestart!
  13. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Agreed, the rig on Banque Populaire VII (ex groupama3) looks really short but I guess the Groupama team did their numbers on what was manageable for solo sailing. They would be looking for some more horsepower in the light when racing in crewed configuration.
  14. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    What isn't obvious from the entry list is that 5 of the multihulls racing in the Fastnet were all built in the same small village of Millbrook in Cornwall. My home for over 30 years.

    Also built there was the first multihull to officially race in the Fastnet, one of my 35ft Banshee designs

    So building racing multihulls isn't just confined to France or New Zealand!

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs

  15. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Great to see the Dazcats (and a Daztri Paradox) out there racing as well as an Aussie connection a Schionning Waterline 1160 racing this year.
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