RIP Mr. Paul [PAR] Riccelli

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by SecondChance248, May 31, 2018.

  1. Mr Efficiency
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  2. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Neither do I. But since Paul was self-employed, there's a possibility his medical insurance wasn't the greatest. And his health had been an on-going issue for a while... I originally commissioned the plans for Egress/Cindy Lou six or seven years ago, and they were delayed when he had his first heart attack. So it's quite possible that medical costs and a reduced workload have drained the family coffers.

    Whatever the case may be, I didn't spend a lot of time looking into it beyond verifying that Shannon Sutkin, who started the GoFundMe page, is Paul's daughter. I just sent a little, in the hope that it will help Gail.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2018
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  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    OK, the thought of medical debt did occur to me. This is a huge issue in the US, where hospitalization is extremely costly. I was amazed to read that medical debt is the #1 component of personal debt in the USA, whereas in a place like Australia, easily the greatest debt burden is housing mortgages. By a very long margin. It is saddening that this man has suffered from such prolonged poor health at a relatively young age, and it can't be blamed on excess weight, he was quite slim.
  4. hoytedow
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    Sad news. I regret that I did not make time to visit him as I should have done. Now it is too late. I will miss him and his great advice.
  5. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    I think Paul's heart problems can be blamed on his poor choice of parents... he told me last month that his father had survived another 22 years after having the same surgery he was scheduled for. But Paul was too frail, and they were trying to build him up a little before he went under the knife.

    I'm not trying to sound like Paul and I were best buds, although we got along fine. It's just that recently we had been exchanging emails again, concerning my Cindy Lou build.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2018
  6. mick_allen
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    mick_allen -

    I just noticed this: very unfortunate news for him, his family, and all of us. He was a clear voice here.
    RIP and thoughts for his loved ones.
  7. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    Wow, sad loss
    What a great asset he was to the boating world and especially this forum
  8. Sparky568
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    Sparky568 Junior Member

    Sad news indeed. Paul was definitely a “go to guy” for advice. I enjoyed reading his posts and tips on his own site. Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends who will miss him as we all will.
  9. JosephT
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    I mainly bounce on the Design & Sailboat forums and just now noticed this very sad news about Paul. :( Totally caught me off guard. Without question he was a cheerful, fine contributor who has helped countless people. He surely had a passion for both designing and building boats. Raise a big salute and toast to him and his fine work. He has finally sailed into the sunset. Cheers to Paul. RIP.

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  10. motorbike
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    motorbike Senior Member

    I am really sorry to hear of his death, Paul was very helpful and generous. The forum wont be the same.
  11. LP
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    I am so unbelievably saddened by the news of Paul's passing. I only learned of his passing yesterday by finding this thread. His influence and generosity on this website is unsurpassed.

    Too many years ago I posted the image of a sailboat in my gallery. I realize now, how poor and silly the design is, but Paul saw that design and reached out to me on a personal level of his own accord and started coaching me on designing my sailboat.

    Paul was more than a fellow forum member and a friend: he was my mentor. I feel that he was a mentor to many of us here and on other boat forums. I find myself tearing up as I write because he has been such an influence on my design work and and a confidant for many of my off the wall ideas. He was always willing to offer guidance and never ridiculed any of my ideas.

    I am trying to work on my boat today and find myself completely distracted by his passing. I couldn't continue working on my project until acknowledging his influence upon it.

    I sincerely hope that he is in a good place. I can imagine him looking down on us from above and rejoicing in our accomplishments, laughing at our silly mistakes and continuing to motivate us with rememberances of him.

    I never met you in person, Paul, but we did talk and communicate by other methods. Thank you, Paul, for being such an incredible mentor and may your memory and influence live on for a very long time.

    Fair wind and blue skies to you. God Bless!
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2018
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  12. rwatson
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    Of all the people who would merit a bit of financial help in the world, Paul would be high on my list.

    I always wondered how he spent so much time with so many people with such in-depth knowledge - given for free.

    He was obviously a gifted and driven man, and in many cases, that doesnt always lend itself to wealth building. I have a lot of respect for the unrewarded, talented sharing people of the world.
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  13. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    A staggering loss, so sad to hear this news. A man so willing to give of his time, knowledge and experience is a hard act to follow, fair winds Paul.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2018
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  14. Milehog
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    Milehog Clever Quip

    My condolences to the family.

  15. MikeJohns
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    MikeJohns Senior Member

    Shocked, I noticed he was absent from the forum and meant to ask him what he was up to.
    I was happy to give him free engineering advice at times ( as was Eric Sponberg ) and we had an agreement that he owed me a beer !

    My sincere condolences to his family, the passing of a good man.
    Corley likes this.
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