restore starcraft American

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Starcraft, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. Starcraft
    Joined: Jul 2017
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    Starcraft Junior Member

    Hello, update about the stringers wood choice:
    - Padoek also written padouk/padauk (first choice, expensive!!)
    - sipo wood (?)
    - cambara (?)

    Just one problem, the original stringers were 2o mm thick, now the shelfs that I would use for the new strigners are 27mm thick. What should I do, reglas them in fiber (because the space between the fiber layers is at the bottom mediated 20mm or litlle more.) Or should I use the orginal thickness, and reduce the thickness of the new stringers so they will fit between the fiber?

    Monday i gonna buy them. For the 3 shelfs (and reduce thickness) I would pay 120 euro.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    You can't get 18 or 19 mm ?
  3. Starcraft
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    Starcraft Junior Member

    Yes i some shops I do, but not the length I need (3m10).
    Is this the standard you need as stringer (18 or 19mm?)

  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    No, but it would avoid some extra work removing at least on side of the old tabbing.
  5. Starcraft
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    Starcraft Junior Member

    Yes that's true, but the old tabbing isn't that straight layed. But if it can avoid tha extra work...
    The tabbing that isn't fastened that good in the corners, when installing new stringers, should I lift/fill it up it with foam? What do I use that the old tabbing connect with the new stringer (or is that the poly resin?)?
    Just because now it's a gap, wouldn't it be better to cut away 1 side of the tabbing, instal the new stringer and also new tabbing? Than I don't have to use screws and will the wood be more stronger?

    What wood would I use (Padouk, Sipo or Cambara)? Others I can buy:
    - Douglas, RND, Meranti, Afzelia, Lariks, Afrormosia, Ayous, Azobe, Massaranduba
  6. Starcraft
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    Starcraft Junior Member

    I think it going to take western red cedar for the new stringers.

    Now today I was cleaning the wind shelf. Does someone know which product you use best for cleaning chrome of aluminium for removing these little spots/oxydation?
  7. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Any fine polish will do, plus lots of elbow grease. Use a good quality wax and avoid this issue in the future.
  8. Starcraft
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    Starcraft Junior Member

    - did sandpaper the transom
    - did sandpaper the fiber left and right of the inside. Not the centre because I doubt to pull some fiber out because it's not good placed.
  9. SC American 22
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    SC American 22 New Member


  10. SC American 22
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    SC American 22 New Member

    Is this project still running? I just joined the forum after having read the thread. I started a similar restoration some years ago on a very worn Starcraft American 22 1978, and have started the build up after a lot of grinding and dismantling. In my opinion it does not matter the boat type as long as you do it for fun. The process to completion is the goal, rather than the finished boat itself. During the process you learn a lot and meet a lot of great people. Let me know if still active and I can share some pictures and findings. My parents had a Starcraft American 16 (like yours) 1977 which was bought brand new with an Mercury 70 OB. IB was more common on 18 and up. Had a lot of fun with that boat but the 22 was the dream. To expensive though.
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