Require 45Knots FRP speed boat standard design with length 10M (+-1M)

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by NITHIN BABU, Feb 26, 2019.

    Joined: Mar 2015
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    NITHIN BABU Junior Member

    I need a FRP speed boat design of 10m length with a speed of 45Knots. We are interested to buy the design if its a proven design
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    NITHIN BABU Junior Member

    Please help if you know any companies with proven design
  3. gtflash
    Joined: Jun 2006
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    gtflash Senior Member

    Look up Adam younger design in uk
  4. LostInBoston
    Joined: Aug 2006
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    LostInBoston Junior Member

    What are the other requirements? Is there an rfp? How detailed? Hull design, compete boat, outfitting, electrical, etc.

  5. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    OP not helping himself by not expanding on the requirements.
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