Repowering w. a Diesel from a Palmer 60 Gasoline Engine

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by UNCIVILIZED, Sep 28, 2014.

    Joined: Jun 2014
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    UNCIVILIZED DIY Junkyard MadScientist

    Hi Gents,
    I'm looking to borrow all of the brain power, & experience that I can for a project... here's the story.

    A friend somehow coerced me into helping him to repower his boat (a Cal 39, MK I). He's switching up from a Palmer 60 (gasoline engine) to something in a diesel. As to what type of diesel, such remains to be seen at the moment.
    That said. Does anyone know what, Diesel wise, is a close match to a Palmer 60 for a sailboat? Both in terms of footprint on the engine beds, as well as it lining up fairly easily with the shaft/log.

    It'd help a LOT if the replacement engine would bolt right in, full on, with it's own transmission. Especially as I'd hate to put an engine in now & then in 18 mos. be installing a new tranny.
    And while obviously engine beds are rebuild able/modifyable, I'd prefer not to have to shoehorn a new engine in & out 6 times in order to get the fit correct.

    Also, it will help a lot, if the replacement is; easy to find, easy to find parts for, cheap, easy to work on...
    A solid rebuilt diesel would be great (preferably with a warranty), like say a Perkins 4-108, small/mid-sized Yanmar, etc., or something equally as common. So as to help keep the cost of this project "semi-reasonable".

    Ah, & on the "new" engine & it's power output levels. So long as it falls within the 30hp to 60hp range, that be great.

    So... any & all helpful info would DEFINITELY be appreciated. Plus, if you've got any good links to; parts, tech hardware, reference materials &, or knowledge on this topic, I'd be in your debt. Ditto on instructionals & how-to's on the topic, ESPECIALLY including (Quality) videos/similar "Live" DIY Instructions/Instructionals.

    Thanks! :D
  2. AndySGray
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    AndySGray Senior Member

    The warning signs can be easy to miss but it generally involves a boat owning friend turning up for no apparent reason carrying a lot of alcohol...
    Pay more attention next time:D

    So, remember that Diesels are a lot more torquey, but they also don't rev as high - you're definately going to need a different tranny.

    Check that the shaft is man enough for the job.

    Fuel tanks and system can be re-used as is (flush well).

    Find out what the rest of the guys in the area use - some places having a perkins will leave you wishing you'd gone volvo or visa versa
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    An old gas motor will be a minster in comparison to a modern diesel.

    Shrinking the engine size is far easier than enlarging the space in the boat.

    Research the usual cruise RPM , and speed. Also find the Actual fuel used at that RPM.

    Then find the transmission reduction for the old gasser.

    You will want to spin the shaft at the same RPM during cruise , so the shaft and prop can be kept.

    Using 8-10 HP created by every gallon per hour , you can approximate the required HP to cruise.

    Find a diesel that with the proper reduction gear will match the cruise shaft RPM.

    Make sure the engine will produce the required HP at whatever RPM that is.

    A gallon of diesel should create 13-16 hp in most installs.

    Depending , the fuel tank may need to be replaced.
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