Remote Vee dropbox for low powered boat

Discussion in 'Inboards' started by philSweet, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. philSweet
    Joined: May 2008
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    philSweet Senior Member

    I'm looking for examples of small remote Vee boxes. As an example, lets say a 10 ton, 50' cruiser for the Great Loop. Sharpie type with minimal accommodation volumes.

    Engine - 40-50 hp Beta at 2800 rpm, TMC 2:1 reversing gear

    Cardan shaft to Vee drive gear.

    Vee drive, single speed, nonreversing drop box, 1.8:1 or so.

    8' long 1.5" D shaft to 24" dia prop for 8 knot cruise, 9+ Top end.

    The motivation is to get the engine out of the way and away from airconditioned spaces, and take advantage of a bit of extra gearing since I can, but there's not much to be gained there - maybe 5%.

    The cardan shaft adds little to the price of the system. The engine would be easier to access and would be easier to remove and install. The engine mounts can be softer, and exhaust run is shorter.

    The alternative is an integral Vee at 3:1, or an integral angle gear at 2.8:1. These result in the engine under the pilot house. Or a remote angle drive, which gets the engine out of the way forward. This is doable, but not attractive, because of a centerboard installation for auxiliary sail.

    The main cost for the remote Vee is in custom mounting brackets to adapt a small integral Vee gear to remote mount (Unless somebody has already done that.;))

    So does anyone know of any small setups like this. The Seaboard website has lots of info and examples of bigger setups, but they start at 4 times the hp I'm looking at.

    <added> A bit more searching turned up a '70s reduction vee drive by Thermo Electron used in Gibson houseboats. Two gears in a case with a drop angle, just what I was looking for. Is there anything comparable out there today?
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2015
  2. philSweet
    Joined: May 2008
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Does anyone know what Cal/Jensen/Lapworth used on the Jensen 36 cruiser?

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  3. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    What about a belt drive?

  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Atomic 4
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