Relocating Batteries

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Paul Giani, May 28, 2018.

  1. Paul Giani
    Joined: May 2018
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    Paul Giani New Member

    I want to relocate my four +1 house and starter batteries from the farthest most battery compartments on the port and starboard side of my 2001 Boston Whaler Outrage 28 to the large storage area under the deck hatch.

    After mounting the new battery boxes I started to wonder if thete is an ABYC code related to ventilation or proximity to my fuel filters/rubber lines. The batteries are attached to a three bank charger and a two bank solar system. I will shift 280lbs forward and more inline with the centerline. I intend to repower with heavier verados at some point in the future.

    Any facts preventing me from doing this?? Thanks in advance.

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    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  2. 7228sedan
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    7228sedan Senior Member

    Just curious; are you using standard lead acid wet cell batteries? AGM's in that location would have no effect on the environment in that compartment as no gasses to vent.
  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I thought I replied, but don't see the response.

  4. Paul Giani
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    Paul Giani New Member

    They are lead acid. That crossed my mind. That is why I am thinking a solar fan pumping out on a continuous basis.

    Aside from that not sure if there are any ABYC guidelines that would suggest I should not move them forward.
  5. 7228sedan
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    7228sedan Senior Member

    Not from ABYC, however here is a Coast Guard issued Boat Builders handbook with some good information and Federal Laws for battery installation. Possibly someone has something a bit newer as this is from 2003...

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  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Great stuff. Thanks.

    afaik, ABYC uses the CG regs on this issue
  7. captainralph
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    captainralph Junior Member

    If I recall, there was a line about batteries under or near fuel systems or filters.
    Please double check me.
  8. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    An incomplete reference to ABYC, not all of them but noteworthy ones
    10.7.5 Batteries shall not be installed directly above or below a fuel tank, fuel filter or fitting in a fuel line without an intervening sole, floor or deck
    10.7.6 Batteries shall not be installed, without an intervening barrier, directly below electrical equipment susceptible to attack from corrosive gasses.
    10.7.8 Each metallic fuel line and fuel system component within 12 inches of the horizontal or vertical plane of the battery surface containing the terminals, as installed, shall be
    shielded with a dielectric material to protect against accidental short circuiting. Ie the lines and components have to be insulated, the terminal caps are not enough as they are off
    when changing a battery
    10.7.9 A vent system or other means shall be provided to permit the discharge from the boat of hydrogen gas released by the battery
    10.7.10Battery boxes, whose cover forms a pocket over the battery shall be vented at the uppermost portion of the cover ( my comment, most of the black common battery boxes are not vented as such and would not meet standards

    And of note, These requirements apply to installation of all batteries whether they employ removable vent caps, non removable vent caps, are sealed, AGM, or maintenance free batteries
    or have pressure regulated valve vent systems, gel

    ungrounded terminal must have a cap

    So in your pictures, the fuel filter is metallic and within 12 inches of the terminal surface so should have insulated protection over it
    And your battery boxes do not appear to have a vent at the highest location under the cover
    And the Charge Pro, as it is above the batteries and MAY be affected by corrosive gases might not comply
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  9. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I think the obvious problem is fuel system fittings run above batteries and the OP long ago left the conversation when the news wasn't approval.
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