Regarding 'Michlet'

Discussion in 'Software' started by D.H. LEE, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. D.H. LEE
    Joined: Mar 2016
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    D.H. LEE Junior Member

    Hi. I'm Lee.

    I first upload the question article in here.

    I'm beginner in ship hydrodynamic performance.

    I want to know about the following.

    1. Introducing for 'Michlet' (I saw already manual. But something is lacking.)

    2. Scope(particulars) of ship to apply to 'Michlet'.(ex. L/B < 6, or B/T > 6, 0.3 < Fr < 1.0) I need evidence.

    3. What is phonetic alphabet for 'Michlet'.

    Thank you.
  2. Leo Lazauskas
    Joined: Jan 2002
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Michlet uses Michell's thin-ship theory and linear wave theory.
    Some viscous damping effects are included in estimating (far-field)
    wave patterns.

    You should get reasonable estimates of wave resistance and wave
    patterns for hulls with L/B > 6. Multihulls will usually
    be better because the demihulls are even thinner.

    There should be an example spreadsheet that compares Michlet estimates
    with experimental results for the NPL series in the docs directory when
    you unzip the download file.

    More comparisons are available for another code I wrote named Flotilla.
    It is much better for monohulls with transom sterns.

    There are validations against several hull series (e.g. NPL, Series 64,
    Nova-I, Delft 372, AMECRC etc) on the web page:

    Michlet is pronounced Mich let. Mich like "rich".

    Michell is pronounced in two different ways. One way is the French way,
    like Michelle (Mish ell). The other way uses Mich like "rich".

    The Australian mathematician J.H. Michell used the second form, i.e.
    1st syllable like rich.

    Froude is another name that confuses people. It is pronounced Frood,
    like dood, not Frowd like crowd.

    Good luck!
  3. D.H. LEE
    Joined: Mar 2016
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    D.H. LEE Junior Member

    Mr. Leo.

    Very Very Thanks a lot.

  4. D.H. LEE
    Joined: Mar 2016
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    D.H. LEE Junior Member

    oh my god!
    Leo, you made 'Michlet'.
    It is an honour.
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