Reduction in Military Reduces Navy Size

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by hoytedow, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I think this is a fairly accurate assessment in that it seems logical to me.

    Logic, however can not be set to be my longest suite. :)
  2. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Well some interesting discussion, Thanks VN interesting points... I too doubt China will encourage or participate in military intervention... Far to wise and knows that collateral damage has unpredictable outcomes that often far outweigh any benefit from the militaristic venture... Far better to use its strengths - an overwhelming "unified" population only exceeded by India but better capable of a "unified front" as an external perception....

    As you so clearly pointed out VN, China must keep a unified face and that required (demands) a careful balancing of internal politic...

    On "economic war"... - - The banksters of the Glodman Sachs alumni know this by their global exploitation, with a source of cheap credit from USA via the FED, and other 'reserve banks' from bases in the financial centres of the world, they control the world, share prices, exchange rates, and all commodities at will and can shove prices by 20% with ease... China is learning how to do this and is implementing agreements to insulate itself by carefully selected bi-lateral trade arrangements for key supplies...

    If either India or China manage to guarantee quality control in all they produce, then the rest of the world will become supplicant to their power... By sheer economic force in legal and legitimate trade...

    The greed of all major corporations in seeking offshore manufacturing in order to "maximise short term profitability" has facilitated the downfall of most "free-democratic-western" economies and seen major growth in Bollywood for cinematic production, Bangalore as "Silicon Valley" selling $25 touch-pad computers, The Tata Group manufacturing and selling a sub $2000 car along with trucks and other industrial production... - - China making steel, all Xmas/birthday toys, significant in computers of all colours, lots of keen and eager small and large manufacturing capacity looking for export opportunities and supported by their government... A formidable array of power to ensure their manufacturing supremacy...
  3. JosephT
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    JosephT Senior Member

    viking north brings a lot of common sense analysis to China. I would also add that compared to Japan, North Korea and other nations with an aggressor history China is quite timid. We actually came to their assistance in WWII. Having a fragile national leadership will no doubt cause China to digress into chaos in a major conflict. I doubt the Chinese public will support a military attack on another nation. China's doing all it can to prevent a Twitter/Facebook revolution from within.

    If anything the US and its allies are fed up, sick and tired of all the Chinese industrial espionage. No doubt their growing military is largely built from stolen western designs. Let's hope the new aggressive DoD hacker networks find the culprits who have been doing it. Last I heard they pinpointed 13 groups of hackers in China who were were largely responsible. They should be tried in the ICC and sent to prison, not to mention being put on the wall of shame for the rest of their lives. In my opinion, publishing their names would do a lot of damage in an of itself.

    Western nations simply cannot stand by while these thieves get away with high crimes such as this, much less allow them to build weapons that one day might threaten us.

    It's true militarily China is quite isolated. It is not dear friends with India or any other western nation. The balance of power between the US, British Commonwealth nations, Canada and others is simply no match on a global level. China will find that venturing out into the world to fight wars will be awfully lonely.

    Nevertheless, they keep on stealing data from other nations and are increasing their aggressiveness. Any smart nation cannot stand by and take this without concern.
  4. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Please consider that China and others are responding to USA behaviour which inflicted/imposed collateral damage, via market manipulation, reducing the value of the USA dollar... - Significant pain was felt in the Australian economy with $1.40+/LITRE petrol, a dangerous inflationary trend, difficulty in exports because of overvalued, Au$ Australia just "wore it" - BUT - China felt the same impact and made adjustments forced on it by USA...

    Please do not pull the 'poor innocent' - sadness ....

    China had the capacity with more than 3 trillion in US debt and similar assets in foreign exchange holdings of US$ stuff, - to send USA into default, hyperinflation, debtors spiral of doom but DID NOT... China used quiet diplomacy that could be found outside USA as it was quietly reported - buried by the USA media roar of indignation from commentators, politicians and sundry opinion makers/talking heads on TV...
  5. JosephT
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    JosephT Senior Member

    Sure, China owns ~13% of US debt and it might be frustrated by the fall of the US dollar. Financial crisis aside this is no excuse for wholesale hacking into western corporate networks. The financial crisis is a different matter all together. Yet, the health (financial condition) of western companies has been affected by stolen intellectual property.

    Can you call a thief a thief?

    Obviously not. Everyone knows China has maniupulated its currency to prop up its economy. This, coupled with intellectual property theft allowed it to grow as a nation.

    Now the US has called its bluff and has allowed the US dollar to fall too. US exports are on the rise, and will continue to do so. In due time other economies will recover too.

    The main topic of this thread though is the reduction of the US military and expansion into the Pacific. Any bozo should realize that China will have to sleep in the bed it has made for itself.

    What would you do if a nation stole your intellectual property and built war machines to attack you and your allies? You don't have to look far to find out not too many nations trust China. It's a mafia run state and everybody knows it.
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  6. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    I do not know of the hacking... so no comment on that claim.
    Why persist with windows that is inherently insecure?
    Most corporations have very weak firewalls, little to none by way of security requirements of staff... - - - but that does not excuse theft, - - also much could be reverse engineering, is that theft? - - and USA does not indulge in such? - - Oh dear...

    Learn to lock up after work is over for the day - and maintain better data security during working hours and by staff?

    Whilst I had my website during the latter build stages and early voyaging I had numerous hack attempts but managed to curb any damage... attacks were mostly - - bored Chinese with some "official" hack attempts, - - several from Europe, and about half way between those two, - - hacks from USA with a couple "official" hacks, - - and an occasional polite visit from Russia... SO WHAT...
    I logged and identified them all back to their server and some to the persons identity... and my server was in Dallas..... but the domain was ""

    If you leave your doors open in an insecure area, thieves will have a look.... :eek:
    Some will manage to find stuff and either steal or copy it :eek:
    "Now the US has called its bluff and has allowed the US dollar to fall too. US exports are on the rise, and will continue to do so. In due time other economies will recover too. - - The main topic of this thread though is the reduction of the US military and expansion into the Pacific. Any bozo should realise that China will have to sleep in the bed it has made for itself. - - What would you do if a nation stole your intellectual property and built war machines to attack you and your allies? You don't have to look far to find out not too many nations trust China. It's a mafia run state and everybody knows it." - - - All these "BLAME" points could be applied the other way - Do not become the pot calling the kettle black... All parties "play" to some extent... Pretending to be a "blameless victim" does not become you, or USA... It is part and parcel of global politics... Usually not mentioned for obvious reasons...

    The essence is that I do not see a reduction in USA Naval presence more a redistribution and diversification of skills to be held principally by better trained and skilled 'soldiers' to meet diverse challenges and be individually adaptable to meet new challenges as they may arise... I see a strong possibility to merge the various military arms (army, Navy, Air Force etc) of the USA military system...
  7. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member

    China's has long-term manipulation of currency to create unequal trade.

    The reduction of this spending is only a reaction to changing threats.
  8. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Anybody heard of land reform? sure you have. I suggest money reform. Collect all the money in the world, deal it out equally to everyone. Refferee shoots starting gun, and media cover rapid events as the money flows into isolated pockets. Might not be the same rich people, but soon, once again, bulk of money will be in small number of hands
  9. cyclops2
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    cyclops2 Senior Member

    Well HOLD ON everyone !

    I like a $ 3,000 bullet shot out of a 105 cannon to kill 6 terrorists. Very cost effective !! If you are making & selling these " hi tech bullets.

    How much did it cost them to harm our troops ? A used cell phone or a toy RC controlled road side ? Left over shells.

    They are winning. We are leaving in more ways than 1. Lots of buildings, roads, bridges, power plants & power grids, water systems, sewage systems left behind.
    We also are leaving on their soil tons of radioactive waste. Also called A-10 fired bullets all over the place. Depleted Uranium is radioactive.
    Trillions have been given to the war crowds. And we turn our backs on men & woman crippled for life because we do not have any money for them ?

    Best of all none have a job or the hope of being hired. Medical insurance companies do not take them on. They are high risk or damaged goods. Pre existing conditions that will cost a bundle.
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  10. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    An instant replay of Viet Nam Vets
  11. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    If we could spend 1/3 the money wasted on destruction over there on rebuilding infrastructure in the states, and simply reduce deficit spending by the other 2/3s of daily war costs, we'd be much healthier financially and physically IMO
  12. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    its the whole concept that we need to beat the crap out of our neighbors thats gotten us into this mess.

    I say a little peace and tranquility would go a long way to altering our situation
  13. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    I'm right beside you on this one! :)
  14. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

  15. erik818
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    erik818 Senior Member

    It's fascinating that the US believes it to be necessary to spend as much on the military as the rest of the world together. It either means that the US armed forces are extremely inefficient and wasteful, or that the US diplomats are so incompetent that there is a real risk that the rest of the world will band together against the US.

    I'm not an admirer of US diplomacy, but it doesn't take a big diplomatic effort to keep EU indecisive. We usually manage that without any outside influence. So, deduct all EU forces from the possible enemy. Diplomats should also manage to keep Japan from joining China or Russia in an anti-US alliance without having to extend their working hours.

    A reasonable threat scenarion would be to match China or Russia alone, and in the unlikely event that they could agree on an attack on the US, count on help from allies and friends.

    The ability to quickly project military power in any part of the world is good to have, but I can't see why that cannot be done with 2 carrier groups instead of 11. Currently, US is the only one that can provide that capability even when the problems are at the doorstep to Europe (Libya).

    My opinion is that the US armed forces are greatly oversized, and that US (and the rest of the world's) long term interrests are better served with a balanced US budget.

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