Redesigning the Pilgrim 40 Trawler / Canal Boat / Coastal Cruiser

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by brian eiland, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I have become real intrigued with this vessel design, after only discovering what it was back in Aug 2012.


    There is a very nostalgic look to this design, and it is VERY live-aboard friendly with its layout. I've lived aboard two different boats on two occasions in my lifetime, and now I'm considering it again, But at my age (74 now) I've come to appreciate certain comforts I would like to have on a vessel. This 40 footer appears to have a nice size galley, a more roomy than most head/shower, a nice saloon/living room, and a very nice covered aft deck.

    It reminds me of an older Elco or ACF that I once sought to buy for living aboard back in my college days.,....or even of the Trumpy/Mathis houseboats,...or of a few European canal boats that I've also admired

    It has a single 6-cyl diesel engine for power. I've always considered the in-line 6-cyl engine the BEST configuration for a 4-cycle engine. Some of them will run forever as they are inherently the best balanced, and they can give excellent economy.

    I just missed buying one of these vessels this past Sept that I thought was in very good condition. Then again I missed a really good buy on one up in Boston several months ago. Turns out there were only about 40 of these vessels built between 1983 & 1989. And even while there have been numbers of inquires as to if any more will ever be built, there appears to be no plans for the production to be resurrected.
    History - PILGRIM Trawlers

    So my thought processes turned to; ….what would it cost to build such a vessel,....what would I change if I were to build such a vessel,...are there like-minded individuals out there that would be interested in owning such a vessel, etc??

    This exercise in 'Redesigning the Pilgrim 40' may turn out to just be a mental exercise. It may never happen in reality, but it will be an interesting mental project.

    Pilgrim Trawler Yachts - PILGRIM Trawlers
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  2. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    ...from another forum

  3. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Let me correct an impression some of you have about this 'redesign' I have in mind, before things venture off into never-never land.

    I like the looks of this vessel VERY much just as it is. I am NOT proposing to change the looks of this vessel's topsides/superstructure.

    Some of the changes I want to look at are:
    1) the construction method and materials
    2) possibly a minor length increase to expand the owner's stateroom
    3) an adherence to the KISS principle for onboard systems
    4) etc

    If you look back thru the evolution of this vessel design you will find a number of changes that were made to the original design over the short span of its production. One most notable one was a change in the layout of the galley and the head arrangements. I think it was a good change. There was also a transom door added on later models....good option.

    I want to study the details of this vessel design in more detail, and make subtle changes where deemed advisable.

    Again I emphasis I am not looking to 'modernize' the vessel in the looks department. It pushes all of the right buttons for me there.
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    "an adherence to the KISS principle for onboard systems"

    EZ to create for a knowledgable owner , but at 40 ft too many folks prefer electronic gegaws to a well found vessel.

    Manyseem to prefer a roomiaran with visible volume to concepts like the ability to switch fuel filters and/or fuel tanks or check the batts with out descending into the engine spaces underway..
  5. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Define what you are seeking from a vessel design.

    Perhaps you will find some answers in this attached PDF. I will just list a few of the headings,...

    Where Has The Pilgrim 40 Come From?

    The Pilgrim Concepts and Philosophy

    Character, Style, and Grace,...What We Call Pilgrim Class

    Pilgrim Comfort, Inside and Out

    Pilgrim Safety, Reliability, and Performance

    Pilgrim Ease of Handling

    Pilgrim 40, Practical and Efficient

    Pilgrim 40, Economical to Run and Maintain

    Pilgrim Quality Construction

    To Whom the Pilgrim Concept Appeals

    Attached Files:

  6. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

  7. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    frequent poster on this forum has similar designs. Riverboat shallow draft style and some with outboard.

    "PAR" something is his handle.
  8. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Here is the brochure for the vessel I was speaking of. Those photos above were the ones posted on craigslist, so they may disappear soon. Attached

    Attached Files:

  9. bajansailor
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  10. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Been quite awhile since I visited this subject thread. About a week ago I was walking down a dock here in St Augustine Fl to help out a friend with his power vessel,...and what should I see sitting there very nearby,...a Pilgrim 40. ....brought back lots of fond memories of mine concerning this design.

    Too bad I wasn't able to go forward with this redesign project.

    ........long subject thread on the 'redesign project',....
    Redesigning the Pilgrim 40 Trawler / Canal Boat
    Redesigning the Pilgrim 40 Trawler / Canal Boat - Trawler Forum
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  11. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

  12. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I liked it a lot as well. Just a nice compact design for a bachelor or a couple to live on, and not break the bank.

    I was really trying to redesign the production method to get away from the traditional BIG upfront cost of plugs and molds of traditional fiberglass boat building, and yet build a quality, tough boat, while keeping the charm of the original design.

    I chose the tough material, steel, for the hull that could be computer cut for each vessel, only when the order was in hand. And it would be constructed in a somewhat unconventional manner,...
    Steel Hull
    Trawler Forum - View Single Post - Redesigning the Pilgrim 40 Trawler / Canal Boat

    Hard Chine shape rather than rounded bottom
    Trawler Forum - View Single Post - Redesigning the Pilgrim 40 Trawler / Canal Boat

    Composite Superstructure
    Redesigning the Pilgrim 40 Trawler / Canal Boat - Page 5 - Trawler Forum

    Derek Kelsall's KISS methods
    Redesigning the Pilgrim 40 Trawler / Canal Boat - Page 6 - Trawler Forum

    Cabin/Superstructure Construction
    Trawler Forum - View Single Post - Redesigning the Pilgrim 40 Trawler / Canal Boat

    Wood Trim for the Interior
    Trawler Forum - View Single Post - Redesigning the Pilgrim 40 Trawler / Canal Boat
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  13. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

  14. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member


    I was looking at two items principally.
    1) the construction of the vessel (both hull and topsides) that might be even more robust (steel bottom), and might be economically producible in limited numbers, without the very large upfront investment in tradition fiberglass plugs and molds to get into production.

    2) tweaking some little interior details as they did themselves over the years with little changes in the layout, etc.

    3) the possibility of a hard chine underwater hull design.

    4) the possibility of a computer generated kit-boat offering

  15. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I have a gentleman interested in building one of these via some of my ideas I developed here.
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