Redesign powersharpie from bolger to trimaran mainhull

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by jhan, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. jhan
    Joined: Jul 2013
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    jhan Junior Member

    Hola, I am new to the boatbuilders net. I did read a lot around on the site, it truly is a huge source of information. Altough boatbuilding and designing has a steep learning curve, I begin to understand some basics, thank you all for that.

    I want to use a stretched bolger sharpie as mainhull for 2 ama´s, it´s a trimaran idea, so to say.

    I has to be adepted the to coastal waters in Venezuela, Columbia, and Panama. As I cannot afford expensive designers help, I am on my own, but I can use your help and advice, it´s no problem if this is in the critical corner.

    The combination of mainhull and ama´s has to be able to handle 5-6 ft waves. I will also get a sail or two later on, but for know it is still as motorboat in the planning. Motor Sail combination

    I am just beginner, I understand, but one that is going to do it, and is autodidact, learning fast. Everything is in the place, okumepanels 15mm, enough, 60 sheets or something, and some 10 and 18 mm. A lot of other things, from second hand windows, to Volvo Penta 50 hp outboard and navigation, all there.

    To do major part of work, I have to buy the epoxy, glass and paint. That´s it.

    The most important thing, what is the plan, that is not a completely fixed idea yet, but I can start with the flat inner bottom, and go from there in all kind of directions. 13.50 x 2.10 mtr

    The bolger design has flatbottom, only the forepart goes up 15 cm, but the sternside is flat. Here is my blackhole, what is the funtion of the upgoing hull shape in the direction of the stern, in almost every sailingboat. I think I get the idea, but can somebody comment on this matter, would my mainhull benefit from a banana shape, and a perhaps narrower beam toward the stern?

    Later on I am going to worry about keel/hull. I have been reading other post about using a sharpie as mainhull, and how it is not a good idea, that is included in my decision to just do it. I want to do it in 6 months and spent total maybe 7000, epoxy and paint included. The sharpie is easy to build


    I do have Idaho plans, but the Bolger Tennesse comes closer to what I have in mind
  2. Tad
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Tad Boat Designer

    Here's another Bolger design called Bantam, already a trimaran......:p




    Hull shape is a function of length, weight, speed, and power.....once you pin those down the form can be worked out.
  3. jhan
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    jhan Junior Member

    Update reading my post.

    I start with flat inner bottom, the upper part of a sandwiched bottom, the wetted part of the hull is going to be fixed onto it.
    That´s how I think I can have still have any underwater body, wetted hull form I would like.


    How one picture can say more than 1000 words, This is how Michael Leneman does it with his L7.

    I want to use a 2 layer floor with 15mm ply each side, and 2 backbones of 5 x 25 cm (at the bow, and less in front and after) I go for a self-supporting bottom of 13,50 mtr 44 foot. Weight so deep will not be a problem, and I don´t need a raceboat.
    The sandwich is in combination with a boxed keel (easy beach and transport) that is also going to be a large ballast/watertank, and maybe a slight V hull form with big rounded edges.
  4. jhan
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    jhan Junior Member

    I really like the Bantam, and I think my daughters would love one on the buildinglist for them. I hope so, but can´t promise
  5. jhan
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    jhan Junior Member

    Anyway, some of the epoxy has arrived from a long journey over the Atlantic. Time to do my first cuts in the marine ply´s

    Murpy´s Law is clear on this.... Success occurs when no one is looking, failure occurs when the General is watching.

    In the waters where I will be boating, you want a floating home all year round and not leave any time soon. No affordable trimaran design offers this, 18 m2 meter standing room inside the mainhull, and much space on the decks between the hulls. (total maybe 30-40 m2) A ugly big boat in this part of the world is no issue at all, -neighter are regulations- this is Bocas de Toro.


    Why leave in a hurry?
  6. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    A tsunami, or cyclone might be a reason
  7. peterAustralia
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    peterAustralia Senior Member


    tell us about Suriname a bit more. Are there many harbours, many boats, good trekking, cost of living, many tourists, safety, deep water or shallow water,, is the fishing good, are there nice rivers, is the food good? are the people nice. What is the coffee like?
  8. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Does that mean you don't accept Maxwell House Peter ? :D
  9. jhan
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    jhan Junior Member

    No Spang Sranan (relaxed Suriname)

    Surinam is relaxed country with bad politicians. Very multicultural without any real problems related to that.
    There are many groups of people: original indians like Arowaks and Caraïbs, people from african decent, India (Hindu) Chinese, Java, Libanese, Netherlands, and more recent Brazilians and Haitians.
    Beautifull rivers that go into the jungle and rainforrest (Amazone) You can even find little villages next to the rivers where people are still walking around naked.
    But it is a developing country, lot´s of plastics and garbage in the trenches, stinking polluting diesel cars and trucks. Worst of all: goldfever, badest disease this country is suffering from, with big (Newmont, Iamgold) and small scale goldmining. (lots of mercury pollution) China is ripping the trees from the forrests, and the corrupt politicians are making the money.
    Food is good and cheap, Heineken and Parbo beer keeps us cool. Fishing is very good, but I don´t eat any fish here because of the mercury pollution.
    (Mercury eats you brains) There is no respect for nature at all, this country is lost. Sorry I have to disappoint you.

    Sell Off - Surinam

    Goodbye Surinam

  10. jhan
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    jhan Junior Member

    This is for you Peter..... Empire: Migrants teaser 1 "Gold Rush"

    What the real joke is, where in the US everybody own a gun, in Surinam everybody owns a EXCAVATOR, and tracks for it you buy at the local supermarket. HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HAHA and abondened caterpillars are everywhere.
    The illegal goldminers drive trucks with shiny new Hitachi excavators with police escorts to the WWF sponsered Brownberg nature reserve :p every day :D HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HAHAHA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HAHA That´s how big they are.:eek: Don´t believe me.... I will take picture for you from my window.

    In the meantime things are 10X times worse than on the Youtube video´s I posted

    is the fishing good, are there nice rivers, is the food good? are the people nice. What is the coffee like? HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HAHAHA HA

    Wanna see what the 20.000 illegal miners do, -locals and brazilians- and how they do it?

    Watch this: and as the description says: watch it BIG and full volume. At 0.47 you will know I am telling no jokes
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