Question for Maxsurf experts- how would you model these surfaces?

Discussion in 'Software' started by nrg710, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. SukiSolo
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    SukiSolo Senior Member

    Maybe not a Maxsurf specific file? Those can only be read by one program. Better if you have an IGES or DXF (I hesitate a little with 3D DXF) or STEP file. Then other modellers can see what they can do, or if they are any better/worse.

    I tend to find all programs have things they are very good at and other things less good. So, the more tools you have to some extent the better. Pity you can't just reverse engineer the real hull from a scan.....
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    nrg710, do you have a table of offsets for the boat?. It would be interesting to have it in order to check the accuracy of the 3D model each one, with hes particular system or program, can create.
  3. Hoodling
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    Hoodling New Member


    I notice nobody has mentioned TouchCAD. nrg710, have you tried TouchCAD - I'm into Vectorworks, but because I felt I needed more than what TouchCAD could give me, although the user interface is almost identical (so, an easy transition) I didn't go for it - because I dabble in the field of architecture and structural steel etc. as well (see my patented Boat Storage creation farmed out under licence at - not my website). Now retired, I am doing the 3D work for a new power cat I've designed using Vectorworks Architect 2013 with Renderworks. It works for me.
  4. nrg710
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    nrg710 Junior Member

    @SukiSolo, I only mentioned the MSD file because I have set up the background images, data and the frame of reference for RMS Titanic. I don't have a 3D model of the hull! Well, I do, but just not one that I'm happy with (hence dabbling with Maxsurf).

    @Hoodling, I've not tried Touchcad yet. Another one for me to have a look at...

    @TANSL, the link below contains the MSD file with the appropriate frame of reference and data points, plus the images.

    The ZIP file contains the images which anyone can use in their chosen program to see what they can come up with!
  5. nrg710
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    nrg710 Junior Member

    PS... I don't have a table of offsets. That would be the gold standard!
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Unable to use this link. I will use a hull lines plan that I've found on the internet. I'll tell you how I will. Thanks.
  7. nrg710
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    nrg710 Junior Member

  8. nrg710
    Joined: Jun 2014
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    nrg710 Junior Member

    Just wondering if anyone had a crack at doing this in Maxsurf?
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