Question for friends down under.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by El_Guero, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member


    I noted a news report about snakes on planes not too long ago in Australia.

    Has this raised concerns in New Zealand?

    Not that it matters a whole lot, but I love zero snakes. And I was curious how the Kiwis handle their no snakes and the Aussies handle there not friendly snakes.

    'Up over,' we just have rattle snakes .... to worry about. And the bad rattle snakes don't live near me, and the other rattlers, well, I still shoot kinda straight.

    And we do not have Sydney's Funnel Web Spiders ....


  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Ah....the funnel web spider........reminds me of a hilarious newsreader blooper where it was broadcast that some poor unfortunate had been rushed to hospital after being bitten on the funnel by a finger-web spider ! :D

    I remember when holidaying as a kid at a somewhat remote beach area, a local identity was bitten on the big toe by a death adder, knowing he would probably die before reaching hospital, he immediately chopped off the big toe with a tomahawk. :eek: Or so it was reported.
  3. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    Ah .... that might be funny away from Sydney, but Sydney genetically enhanced their funnels ... and finger web spiders ....

  4. tom kane
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Human beings are the big danger in New Zealand there are no really dangerous native animals birds or snakes. politics and Culture and Religion are the biggest danger.
  5. NoEyeDeer
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    NoEyeDeer Senior Member

    Probably, but the added excitement will do them good. :D

    Very easily. Just leave them alone. In general, as long as you don't try to attack them, they are quite happy to not start a fight either.

    Humans aren't viable food for snakes. The only reason snakes bite is if they think they are being threatened. They are more scared of you than you are of them. From a snake's point of view, you look like King Kong.

    I've found that if you are aware of them and just give them space and treat them with basic respect, they aren't a problem at all. This includes the deadly ones.
  6. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    For, the poisonous ones - So, true. So, true.

    But, that does not mean I like them. I keep thinking about the crazies who let snakes go in Florida. Those crazy things are eating gators, which are bigger and meaner than I am.

    But, I was curious, because I know New Zealand has a pretty exhaustive anti-animal immigration program.

    I wish we had that as well, you cannot take an orange from Texas to California, but we have people who are allowed to let 20' snakes loose .... predator fish .... fire ants .... catfish .... Killer bees ....

    The only released animals I like are the parrots released in Fort Worth .... sadly, a lot of them die up there from the cold. But, they are pretty parrots.
  7. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    Get rid of politics and you seldom have danger from culture or religion. IMHO.
  8. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Even your local neighbourhood, and own home household, has "politics", the only way it can be avoided is by becoming a hermit far from the madding crowd. :D That has problems of it's own. :(
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  9. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Apparently fo every human New Zealander...... there's about 7 Aussie Possums up in their trees.............:)....... not too fond of them but here's a little help.... 1 possum
    ¼ cup salt
    1 lemon, chopped
    1 onion, chopped
    Sprig of rosemary
    2 onions, sliced
    4 tomatoes, peeled and sliced
    1 green pepper, chopped
    8 prunes, stoned
    Rind of ½ an orange, thinly sliced
    ½ cup white wine
    1 sprig rosemary, chopped
    salt & pepper

    Joint the carcass and cover with cold water to which the salt has been added. Leave overnight.
    Then drain off the salted water and rinse the possum. Simmer with the lemon, chopped onions and sprig of rosemary for 1 hour.
    Remove the meat from the stock while still hot and discard stock. Brown onions in a little oil, add the possum pieces, tomatoes, green pepper, prunes, orange rind, wine, rosemary and seasoning and water to cover. Simmer gently until tender, about 1 ½ hours. Leave overnight and skim off any fat the next morning.
    Re-heat and serve with rice and crisp salad.

    All the best from Jeff.
  10. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    If you have a recipe for a possum repellent, I am all ears, the things are a complete pest. Needless to say, in Australia if you bring harm to them, you face hefty fines. As for eating them, you'd have to be a very hungry enzedder to attempt it, as an alternative recipe, I suggest boiling in a large pot to which a brick has been added, when the brick softens, eat the brick. :p
  11. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    How did you know about THAT!

  12. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    I've got a Fox Terrier that would see them off, on the ground at least........ She'd kill them with irrepressible doggy love, as only a Foxy knows how;)


    PS: the ring tail possum is cool, the Brush tailed not so!
  13. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I have a major problem with brush-tailed possums, possibly because I am one of few houses in the area not to have a dog, they can roam at will unmolested on the ground, laying waste to any vegies i'm silly enough to try and grow. Even taken to attacking lemons.
  14. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Maybe some wasabi or chilli might get em, or grow inside wire, or stick to potatos, then posso will need to dig, unfortunately even if you trap & relocate, another just moves side ways into the territory!

  15. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    They even come through the cat flap and pinch poor old puddy tat's dry food ! And frequently it sounds like world war 3 has broken out as a ruckus starts in the wee small hours on the roof. Should be a bounty on them ! Doesn't impress me that everything that is a native gets protected status under the law. Aren't blow flies native fauna ?
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