Pure Hydrogen Fuel Supplementation

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Secure Supplies, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Secure Supplies
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    Secure Supplies Junior Member

    This thread is open discussion on

    Pure Hydrogen Fuel Supplementation

    Titanium Split Gas Cell, with Proton Exchange Membranes
    have now come down in price to be affordable for use in Marine.

    They provide a efficient way to produce pure hydrogen on demand
    and supplement fuel and extend range of vessels.

    I welcome question this new technology in this thread.

    We will explain and show how to apply tech here

    Secure Supplies
    Mb 66 83 647 3443
  2. wavepropulsion
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    wavepropulsion Junior Member

    Cheers. I don't found any scheme of the cell in the website. Can be a good solution, but Stanley Meyer sounds as water fueled car to me. The question in this matter is ever the same, how many electricity you need to create the gas to move the engine, so if electricity is used will need more input than output power?
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The input will always be more than the output. It is the nature of all power systems that they have losses.
  4. Secure Supplies
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    Secure Supplies Junior Member

    How the Basic tech works for Diesels


    There are many things to discuss here , We are a Specialist company for these tech items so I am open to discuss all points of the tech.

    First one is the basic concept and operation of these new Cells.

    They operate 24 volt 4 amp, and produce a split gas pure hydrogen fuel.

    The Concept of this is particulary good for Diesels, the units can do up to 20 litre engine easily we just daily chain cells.

    The operation of these work in this fashion for diesel.

    The Best Diesel will get only 70% burn /combustion of the fuel that means
    30% is paid for and wasted straight the the air we breath this fuel also dirty up the engine and crank oil.

    This fuel has a CN number (catalytic number)

    How ever many diesel are of poor design or quality or simply designed to take a variety of CN number fuel particulary lower, CN. We see many diesel engine operators not even aware of the actual cn number they are paying for and many Diesel fuel being cut with secondary oil to make heavy fuel. Some diesel are even running on veg oil etc etc

    These Fuel and Lower grade engines burn only 55% -60% of the Fuel in best cases, so that 40-45% paid for is wasted to the air /exhuast.

    When we add these Split gas Hydrogen Supplementation units we are
    adding a % of hydrogen to the air fuel ratio, and in effect raising the CN of the mixtures, There is a technqiue to learning it is straight forward.

    The Result is we supplement some fuel between 10-18% and we raise the CN number of the existing fuel and make a complete burn unlocking that 30-45%
    which is normally lost out the exhaust to the air.

    So the goal is easy to understand capture the lost fuel we paid for and also supplement some with hydrogen on demand.

    the gain can be very high minimum with planned and tuned install is 30% saving based on above.

    The Added benefit is clean engines and a massive reduction in pollution and smell.

    There is no need to cut back on the fuel you buy for the tank, you just get to extend the cruising or sailing range when using the engines.

    The UNits we have are split gas so it allows meter mixing and far great control of hydrogen feeds or injection only or hydrogen and oxygen feed, with gasoline version we use hydrogen only to bypass the sensors with a similar method.

    The UNits can operate on 12 v 24 v 36 v 48 v dc or 110-240 maina power , solar power or off generators power alternator side.

    The Construction of the units is from titanium and they have precise auto matic controls that allow 24 hr operations with auto fill etc a 1 gallon tank of water last 1-2 days depending on the install as it is split into hydrogen.

    We also employ electron exchange membranes with split and separate the gases, The units are not pressurized and have not tank and make on demand only when engine is running.

    Though we can also pressurize them to 45 psi for certain applications.

    We have gauges for auto control and freezing monitoring etc

    So I help this answer the first round of question on this tech and how it works, this is dry cell design with titanium acting as a catalyst and using some similar techniques to meyers, blocking diode etc and voltage build up, but it is different tech from meyers and I would say after many years study it they it is more advance as this is pure Hydrogen not hho.

    We can move to connecting solar and also storing gas in metal hydride tanks etc with these units.

    They are just the first step and strong we have at this time for use on fuel supplementation with strong reliability etc 3 month warranty.

    each cell weigh 13 kg so a twin with controller is about 26 kg and can do
    like the attach ed pic 10lltr -15ltr in that configuration bigger we add more etc in line with engine style or litr size.

    Welcome all discussion on all points or other application questions etc

    The method here is to raise the CN number of the fuel and make more
    efficient operational results for your money


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  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Where are the 24V coming from?
  6. Secure Supplies
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    Secure Supplies Junior Member

    This 4 amp draw at 24 volt to produce a 30% + fuel saving
    can be from

    Solar, Wind, Batteries
    Alternator,Generator fuel cell or other

    Remember the key advance here is Split gas Pure hydrogen and the Method to use it to raise the CN number
    and get a clean burn of your normally paid for and wasted fuel.

  7. AndySGray
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    AndySGray Senior Member

    CN for Diesel engine is the Cetane Number not catalytic number,

    Cetane is a 16 carbon chain, CH3(CH2)14CH3 (I need subscript)
    in much the same way as Octane number is used for Petrol/gasoline

    so for combustion,

    2(C16H34) + 49(O2) = 32(CO2) + 34(H20)

    Adding Hydrogen would actually steal available oxygen leading to less efficient combustion of the hydrocarbons!


    now uses 1 gal water a day -

    Avagadros number is about 25 litre per mole of gas.

    So 1 gal H2O is 3.78 litres (US not imp) is 3780 grams of water

    Divided by 18 (atomic weight water) gives 210 moles water

    1 mole of water yields 1 mole of H2 plus 1/2 mole of O2

    therefore about 7,700 litres per day (5000 H2 and 2500 O2)

    so about 3.56 litres per minute - Hmmm.

    A 2 Litre 4 stroke at 700 rpm is going to need 700 litres of intake air per minute (atmospheric non turbo)
    so there is about 0.5% H2 going in there - not quite the 10-18% he's talking about.

    Of course it would be very simple to prove the claims - simply place a diesel on a dynamometer test bed and measure the output, turn on system and bingo 30% increase in power or revs or something.
    Of course the magic leprechauns which are somehow involved in making these pseudo science technobabble SCAMS work seem to leave the room at that point.
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  8. AndySGray
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    AndySGray Senior Member

    That said - IF it could actually produce 3.5l/min of h2 and 1.75l/min of O2 it would make a cracking little welding rig - Hydrogen burns much hotter than acetylene - 6 hours welding from a 110v 1 amp rig with a litre of water.

    Sounds almost too good to be true:rolleyes:
  9. Secure Supplies
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    Secure Supplies Junior Member

    We have Split gas and we provide Pure Hydrogen and Pure Oxygen s to specific injection points meter mixed and yes the cetane number is correct.

    Not all fuel particulary diesel marine has standard CN number, it varies greatly and they is (cutting fuel) blended fuel 2nd grade fuel and
    there is a huge establish diesel market for that variance which often client never check when filling up.

    Supplementing and injection HYdrogen over comes that variance

    This Method and process i swell proven.
  10. Secure Supplies
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    Secure Supplies Junior Member

    Estimating Water Use - Per LPM of HHO
    *I have been asked, many times, how much water the Cells use per hour. I think, now, I can shed some light on the subject. It is not an easy answer, but I think I have enough information to get you in the ball park.We are told that, 1 Liter of water can make 1860 Liters of HHO gas. That is, 1000 Milliliters of water can make 1860 Liters of HHO, or 1,860,000 Milliliters. Thus, 1 Milliliter of water can make 1.86 Liters of HHO, or 1860 Milliliters.
    LPM x 1000 / 1860 = Milliliters Per Minute of Water** x 60 = Milliliters Per Hour

    What percentage of hydrogen and oxygen are in water? You have to be more specific about what % value you want
    You can consider a volume %:
    Water consist of 2 volumes hydrogen and 1 volume oxygen
    Atoms For example, the atomic percent of hydrogen in water (H2O) is at.%H2O = 2/3 x 100 ≈*66.67%, while the atomic ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is AH:O = 2:1.

    That is:
    Hydrogen - 66.67% by volume
    Oxygen - 33.33% by volume

    Alternatively you can think of the % as a mass %:
    Molar mass of water = 18g/mol
    1mol of water will consist of 2g of hydrogen and 16g of oxygen
    Mass % hydrogen = 2/18*100 = 11.11%
    Mass % oxygen = 16/18*100 = 88.89%

    so the short and long of it is we have plenty of gas produce for meter mixing and

    Enjoying the results
  11. Secure Supplies
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    Secure Supplies Junior Member


    We are Talking Supplementation

    by supplementing 10-18% the result is 30% + saving by unlocking that fuel your already buying and wasting

    But JUst so you know the Air fuel Ratios work very different if you going to fuel on only Hydrogen 100%.

    We have Hydrogen only fuel injected generators. So I know this in great detail.

    I have attached basic for those simply wanting to know the air fuel ratio of 100%,

    BUT BE clear you can save 30% + easily now with
    no modification beyond our Titanium Electron Exchange split gas pure HYdrogen fuel makers 24 v 4 amp 24 hr running

    install out advance SPlit Gas Kits and we show you , how to tune for hydrogen, with split gas and meter mixing Hydrogen and or Oxygen as required to fixed points
    or rails.

    Daniel Donatelli

    Engine Carbon Cleaning
    The increased burn temperature leads to an eventual
    purging of all hydrocarbon build up in an engine having
    carbon aging. This process takes between 40 and 200 hours
    depending on the engine workload. This process offers a
    long-term solution to routine maintenance. This result is
    directly attributed to re-establishing good compression.Engine Efficiency
    Due to the shortened burn time of the fossil fuel
    established with the introduction of hydrogen the fuel
    in the cylinder gives up its energy in a shorter time thus
    within a smaller volume of space as the piston has travelled
    a lesser distance than without hydrogen’s power and speed
    to burn. This process will happen immediately. Up to 8%
    fuel improvement.

    Fuel Burn Efficiency
    Hydrogen added to the mix provides a stronger flame front
    that breaks up the long chain hydrocarbons thus increasing
    the effective burn of the fossil fuel, increasing fuel efficiency
    and lowering harmful emissions. This process will also
    happens immediately. 2-10% fuel efficiency potential.

    Engine Clean up Same Time
    The increased burn temperature leads to an eventual
    purging of all hydrocarbon build up in an engine having
    carbon aging. This process takes between 40 and 200 hours
    depending on the engine workload. This process offers a
    long-term solution to routine maintenance. This result is
    directly attributed to re-establishing good compression.

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  12. Secure Supplies
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    Secure Supplies Junior Member

    This technology is used heavily in Jewelery making and IC Chip Manufacture

    The main difference is our is split gas and designs for marine

    Dan ,
  13. Secure Supplies
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    Secure Supplies Junior Member

    PLease look close this is not aimed at 2 stoke

    it is aimed at large Diesels

    This is Pure hydrogen ad the power is 2.5 times that of gasoline and
    we are doing

    specific supplementation

    1 Liter of water can make 1860 Liters of HHO gas. That is, 1000 Milliliters of water can make 1860 Liters of HHO, or 1,860,000 Milliliters.
    Thus, 1 Milliliter of water can make 1.86 Liters of HHO, or 1860 Milliliters.
    LPM x 1000 / 1860 = Milliliters Per Minute of Water** x 60 = Milliliters Per Hour
    That is:
    Hydrogen - 66.67% by volume
    Oxygen - 33.33% by volume

    Alternatively you can think of the % as a mass %:
    Molar mass of water = 18g/mol
    1mol of water will consist of 2g of hydrogen and 16g of oxygen

    Mass % hydrogen = 2/18*100 = 11.11%
    Mass % oxygen = 16/18*100 = 88.89%


    RULE 1
    We do not need high volumes of hydrogen , that is vital to understand,

    RULE 2
    We do not need high amps to produce it with this technology, ( + we also have solar wind renewable)

    RULE 3
    Question what you have been taught as you have been lied to and the hydrogen economy has started.

    The purpose of this thread is to simply make you check the basics
    as your are doing now, and you will find this is valid.

    It is not a cure all ,

    but for fore sure it is the best solution available to your operating extend range cuts costs clean engine and provide fuel security

    and set a path of further more advanced use of hydrogen

    as your understanding grows on the tuning and further and further raising the % of supplementation it get very exciting as a new fuel made at home.

  14. Secure Supplies
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    Secure Supplies Junior Member

    Adding Hydrogen would actually steal available oxygen leading to less efficient combustion of the hydrocarbons!


    Sorry but that comment is a crock of ****

    Not sure what you were thinking by that comment? LOL


    Firstly yes we can flood the engine with Hydrogen and stop using the hydrocarbon fuel



    BUt what we are doing is different we are controlling the split gas
    production into separate lines of

    Hydrogen and Oxygen

    We than have production of a clean fuel on board on demand.
    we do not have to store it so it is perfect safe

    We meter mix it , to the air fuel ratio, this means this is no FLOODING
    of fuel it is just like any fuel we control and tune it into our specific engine

    and that is a far easier process than tuning diesel or gasoline, so the end

    result is we learn

    we realise we can continue tuning once we have the skills and knowledge and we can slowly move off Hydrocarbon fuels.

    THis is the Goal.

    First get your wasted Diesel fuel and emissions under control

    Than tune for high % performance, we back off the Diesel pressure
    and advance !!


    There are more engines than people in this world now and those engines

    put out very poisonous gas if you breath it you will fall asleep and die.

    Those engines run 24 hrs a day poisoning the air you breath

    so no matter where we end up , electric , hydrogen or other

    we must curtail the costs and the poison gas emissions

    These systems provide both

    and are important to study and share to others.


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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    Oh NO!,,

    Were back to the Browns Gas nonsense that has been around , for 60 years.

    IF it actually worked it would be in use for 5 or 6 decades , its absence should be a clue!!!!
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