Proud owner of a TT680 but need more info/plans

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by cruiserpete, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. cruiserpete
    Joined: May 2013
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    cruiserpete Junior Member

    Hi all,

    Just bought a Farrier TT680 off eBay from Mellbourne (Australia) and I'm after some more info.

    I've located quite a number of websites ranging from Yahoo's Trailer Tri group to Farrier Marine, Inc.

    I'm specifically after plans for the TT680 so I've an idea of its build should I need to undertake work. The TT680 looks to be in good condition and the owner sounds honest as I've bought it sight unseen so fingers crossed it's a good buy.

    Main hull and armas


    Looking into the sten berth but I'll make this the battery/electronics area as I sail solo so only need the wing berths. Only carrying 1 main/house battery but its a high quality Lifeline - 105Ah - AGM battery. Will hook it up to my 100 watt solar panel, MPPT regulator and VSR charging.


    Should be enough room for my 177cm frame to sleep

    Stern folding system looks ok other than a clean up but only closer inspection when I collect her will tell... fingers crossed
    Hope to be on the water sailing by years end as I've just had shoulder surgery...
    Think I'll shout myself some new sails this Christmas :)

    Cheers, Pete
  2. redreuben
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    redreuben redreuben

    Ian Farrier will sell you plans if you are a current owner.
  3. cruiserpete
    Joined: May 2013
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    cruiserpete Junior Member


    Emailed Farrier Marine Inc and they put me onto the Qld Multihull Yacht Club who sells restoration plans on a CD.
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