Propulsion system for a high speed trimaran

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by boat88, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. boat88
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    boat88 Junior Member

    I try to find the best propulsion system for a high speed planning boat,its a trimaran with these characteristics

    Maximum speed=60 knots
    Cruise speed=50 Knots
    Weight=4.5 ton

    but i have problem to decide between stern drive and outboard propulsion systems.
    Also i want to know how many propulsion systems is more proper for this situation(i.e. 2 or 3)?
    Thank you.
  2. Jimboat
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    Jimboat Senior Member

    is this a high performance hull that you're looking for? what kind of water conditions are you going to be running in?
  3. boat88
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    boat88 Junior Member

    Dear Jimboat,
    Thank you for your reply, yes it has a good design and will working in Persian Gulf and Oman sea area.
    Your prompt reply is highly appreciated.
  4. Jimboat
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    Jimboat Senior Member

    sounds like you're going to need more than one outboard or high-hp I/O unit to achieve the performance expectations. hull design will be important in determining efficiency of your propulsion system.
  5. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Trimarans and the BladeRunner...

    Trimarans and the BladeRunner...

    You might have a look thru this subject thread
  6. boat88
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    boat88 Junior Member

    Dear jimboat,
    Thank you for your reply, you are right, it needs more than one propulsion system, in design procedure i have many restrictions so i can only use outboards or stern drive, what do you think about them, which of them is more proper?
  7. boat88
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    boat88 Junior Member

    dear brian eiland,
    Thank you for your reply, i will check that.
    I will be happy to know your idea about this trimaran.
    Your prompt reply is highly appreciated.
  8. Jimboat
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    Jimboat Senior Member

    outboards will be lighter, so may be an advantage to you. you will require 2 of the largest o/b's available in order to reach the performance expectations you desire. design of the hull will ultimately determine if you are able to reach your goals.

  9. boat88
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    boat88 Junior Member

    Dear jimboat
    Thank you for your reply, would you explain more about the hull design, which parameters do you think is important to achive this speed?
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