Propeller A and B dimensions

Discussion in 'Props' started by Zeiad Abbas, May 1, 2022.

  1. Zeiad Abbas
    Joined: Oct 2017
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    Zeiad Abbas Junior Member


    Does anyone know what A and B dimensions represent in the attached drawings of the propeller and propeller shaft? Thanks in advance!


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  2. baeckmo
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    "B" is the required stern tube length for the actual vessel, and "A" the required shaft length for the installation with the specific engine and gear position.
    jehardiman likes this.
  3. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    As Baeckmo said A and B would be specified in the contract and the contract plan between Nogva and the builder. Depending on A and B, the contract plan may have intermediate bearings. (though it is interesting to note that the drawing is not dimensioned correctly, pesky arrowheads...)
  4. Zeiad Abbas
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    Zeiad Abbas Junior Member

    Thanks Jehardiman and Baeckmo for your replies. But any clue how to choose the length of the stern tube, so for example, it must penetrate the aft peak bulkhead? any precautions I should have in my mind when choosing those dimensions. Thanks in advance!

  5. jehardiman
    Joined: Aug 2004
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Totally depends on the arrangements. The modern trend has been to make them as short as possible taking into account the stern lines.
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