Problem when creating Linked tank in maxsurf stability

Discussion in 'Software' started by jun, Dec 3, 2018.

  1. jun
    Joined: Dec 2018
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    jun New Member

    Hi~! i'm new at this forum

    I made two tanks. And I want to connect this. But I can't choose a linked tank. I do not know if the settings are wrong. help me please.

    Thanks for your help.
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    It is likely to be an error or some small incorrect detail in the definition of the model. Could you show us the model you have made?
    On the other hand, why do you need to have two linked tanks? That is usually a complication.
  3. jun
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    jun New Member

    Thank you for the reply. I made a tank of different height. I want to calculate this.please.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The first thing you should do is forget about the tanks and correctly define the ship's hull.
    The tanks, in general, are not defined by creating new surfaces for them but by giving their limits in the window corresponding to the definition of tanks in Hydromax.
  5. jun
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    jun New Member

    Thank you for your advice.
    But I did everything I could. I know there are two ways to calculate the tank.
    First, select [HULL SELL] for the vessel and select [Internal Structure] for the tank...and seclect [Boundary Surfaces] in Stability(input)
    (This way the surface can be calculated as a tank.)
    Second is to specify the tank area as you say.
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    As I was saying, I think the first thing you should do is improve the definition of the hull. In a second stage, once the hull is correct, and not before, you can define the tanks as you think it would be better. I am of the opinion that defining them in HydroMax is better (the truth is that I believe that there is no other way to do it), although, of course, you can use auxiliary surfaces. See attached picture.

    Attached Files:

  7. jun
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    jun New Member

    I solved the problem by making the name of the tank the same. Thank you.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
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